
Sunday, May 27, 2007

5 Tips on Slaying the Phone Interview - page 2

Here’s 5 Tips On How To Get The Most Out Of The Phone Interview:

  1. Do it on your terms: Let the call go to voice mail. If you’ve sent out individually customized resumes (see, and tracking your resumes to measure response rates (see, as this blog recommends, then how will you know which of the many versions of your resume the HR rep is viewing? If you’re looking at a different version than the interviewer, you probably won’t emphasize the right skills to correspond with the target company’s problems. Call the HR rep back when you are sitting in front of a computer, or with a printed version of the job description, your notes on the company, and the specific version of your resume in front of you.

    When you call back, expect to get the HR rep’s voice mail. Much of their day is spent on outbound phone calls. If you get their voice mail, give two possible times when you’ll call them back, and ask which is better. Ask the HR rep to email you confirmation – this a) cuts the phone tag game and b) give you the HR rep’s email address.

  2. Be alert and in a good mood: Don’t call back until you are well rested, and in a good mood. As any salesperson will attest, your mood carries through on the phone.

  3. Be fast: A quick turnaround gives you the chance to schedule an interview early in the schedule. Also, replying quickly gives the impression that you’re excited about the opportunity.

  4. Have Questions: Have one or two questions prepared for the HR screen. It will make you look more interested in the job, and will help you learn more about the company. Make these lighter questions – Ask about dress code, corporate culture, types of people who excel at this company. Don’t ask about salary, benefits, or flexible work schedules yet…you’re still too early in the game (see

  5. Write a thank you note: The phone screen is an interview, yet almost nobody sends a thank you note afterward. Not only does it make you stand out and impress the HR rep, it gives you another chance to form a positive impression with the company and advertise your personal brand. Keep in mind timing – if you are interviewing in two days, don’t mail a handwritten thank you (the HR rep won’t get it in time). See my earlier article on thank you notes for ideas (see:
How will you change how you handle phone screens during your career search?

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Top 50 Web 2.0 Sites For Job Search In 2010
Job Search Time Management

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

How To Write Your Resume For The 4th Audience - page 3

How Can You Revise Your Resume To Best Engage The 4th Audience?

The best way I've found to increase the odds you'll be viewed as a fit by an audience that you haven't met is by anticipating the language they use and placing it where they will most likely look. Here's how:
  1. Understand the 80%'ers:It's often said that 80% of the people within an organization are similar in many ways and form a corporate culture. These are the 80%'ers, who are called good team players, get along with everyone, and are great politically (the 20%'ers are either mavericks or outcasts). The best way to understand 80%'ers from an organization is to talk to a few other 80%'ers. Listen to the language they use, the jargon, acronyms, phrases that are unique to the company - this is the unique language of the company.

  2. Research the 4th audience If you want to sail past the 4th audience, you'll establish connections with them before your interview even takes place (see Just like you utilize your company contact to learn who the hiring manager is, learn who the hiring managers boss, peers and team are. Reach out to them and talk to as many as you can before you've interviewed. Don't talk about a specific position, spend your time asking questions and listening about the company and industry (see Follow up your conversation with a thank you, to cement this new relationship and remind the 4th audience member who you are.

  3. Use their language: Listen to how your company contacts answer questions, and pick out elements of their specific company lingo. Use the company's language in your resume and in your interviews - to sound like you already work there. Incorporate the corporate language into your resume, to use the company's words to describe your accomplishments, giving the impression that you "get it", that you'll "fit in" and that you pass the "have a beer test."

  4. Include it where it's most likely seen: If the 4th audience typically spends it's short review in the top half of your first page and the first couple of bullet points in your recent jobs, then make sure that the company's language is liberally used in those areas.

No one can guarantee a single strategy that always works 100% of the time in job search, but you can bend the odds in your favor. Speaking to the 4th audience in their own language is a great way to improve the impression that you are a personality or cultural fit.

How can you change your resume to speak to the 4th audience more effectively?

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If It's Not On Your Resume, It Doesn't Exist
Should I Use White Font To Get More Keywords On My Resume? Question of the week

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How To Write Your Resume For The 4th Audience - page 2

So who is the 4th audience, why are they important to job seekers, how do they influence hiring, What's different about them, what do they look for, and where do they look?

Important 4th Audience Considerations:

  1. Who are they? The 4th audience is your hiring manager's boss, peers, and team. Often, you haven't interviewed with them, and haven't met many of them. Yet, they are being asked to choose who gets the job. Dysfunctional? Perhaps, but it's a very common business practice for jobs at all levels.

  2. Why should you care about the 4th audience? The 4th audience has a great deal of influence over which of the top 3 candidates gets the offer. If you find that you are often considered as a finalist but failing to get the offer, you may not be appealing well to the 4th audience - who may be blocking you from getting offers.

  3. How does the 4th audience influence the hiring process? Managers and senior staff have probably been in the role of the 4th audience working when they are asked to look over a few resumes and give their opinion. These are typically the finalists and the hiring manager is looking for buy-in. The hiring manager also want to cover their own butt in case the new employee is a disaster.

  4. What's different about the 4th audience? The candidate often hasn't met the 4th audience - with some opportunities you may not have met or spoken to any of the boss, peers or team members who will offer opinions of your candidacy. If you haven't met them or talked to them it's even more difficult to guess what's important to them, what are their major problems, or their goals.

  5. What do they look for? While each member of the 4th audience may have their own agenda, there should be some common threads. The 4th audience looks primarily for fit. Since each of the finalists should have the necessary background, skills, experiences, and accomplishments to perform the job, the remaining question is which finalist will work best with the team. Much of the fit question revolves around communication skills - who can communicate most productively with the team?

  6. Where do they look? If the average resume reader spends 15 seconds reviewing your resume, it's a good bet that the 4th audience spends less time. The 4th audience will likely review the top half of your first page and the first bullet point of each job you've held in the past 10 years. You're not likely to get more attention than that - but that's ok. You won't need more of their time if you can guess where they will look. Make sure you use language to communicate to the 4th audience in these parts of your resume's real estate.
( Continued ... How Can You Revise Your Resume To Best Engage The 4th Audience? )

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If It's Not On Your Resume, It Doesn't Exist
Should I Use White Font To Get More Keywords On My Resume? Question of the week

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Top 3 Ways To Write A Thank You Note - page 3

There are many ways to write a thank you note. But each of these 3 ways has a specific purpose - Choose the one to help you in your specific situation.

Top 3 Ways To Write A Thank You Note:

  1. Fast: Email is the fastest acceptable way to thank your interviewer. Never text a thank you. A very few companies might find it favorable for you to send a direct Twitter message or a Facebook message (I wouldn't try this unless the target company provides apps or services to Twitter/Facebook users). Email is fast, but it's not very personal.

  2. Personal: A snail mailed thank you is more personal. A hand-written note is much more personal and worth the extra effort since very few candidates will hand write a thank you note. The problem with using snail mail for your thank you note is that it's slow (Don't try to speed it up via fax - it kills the personal effect). If your handwriting is difficult to read, print. If your handwriting is large, then use fewer words in your note, and use stationery instead of a card.

  3. Both Fast and Personal: Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too. When my clients really want to pull out all stops and give an opportunity their full effort, I recommend both sending an email and also sending snail mail. Sending both gives you the effect of fast as well as personal. Make sure the snail mailed note isn't just a repeat of the email. Also, include an introductory line stating that while you emailed to be responsive, you also wanted to send a more personal note. Don't worry, if you construct a succinct intro and don't make the hand written note a repeat of the email, you won't seem like a stalker, nor desperate.

How can you use a thank you note to seal the deal?

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Thank You! Make an impact in 5 minutes
Ending An Interview – How To Ask For The Job

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Top 3 Ways To Write A Thank You Note - page 2

What The Typical Thank You Note Includes:

While the thank you note that most candidates send isn't ideal, it's important to understand what most candidates include and what they don't include. The typical thank you note includes:
  • A sincere thank you for time spent
  • Reminder of skills (sometimes)
  • Reaffirmation of interest

What An Effective Thank You Note Should Always Include:

Let's contrast what to include at a minimum to increase it's impact. Remember, being polite is a nice side benefit. The real purpose of your thank you note is to give you another opportunity to remind the interviewer why you would make a great employee for the company. To accomplish this, your thank you note should include:
  • Person's name
  • Write one to each person you talked to, no matter what level of the organization. You can leave out the front desk person (unless they were included in a formal interview).
  • Identify the hiring manager's most important problem (that you can solve). If you don't know the answer to this, you didn't research deeply enough nor ask the right questions. Either way, if you don't know the answer to this question, you've got no chance here - so learn and move on to the next target company
  • Remind the hiring manager how you have already solved that problem. There's an important distinction here ... just saying you can solve the problem doesn't inspire that much confidence. Giving an example of how you've already solved a similar problem delivers a high level of confidence. Also, if the problem you've already solved isn't important to the hiring manager, again you'll want to learn from your mistakes and move on - you're probably not going to get hired because you can solve the problem of dull pencil tips.
  • Commonalities - If there was a common interest (fishing, golf) discussed in the interview, mention it (extremely short phrase) just to remind the interviewer who you were. If it wasn't discussed, the thank you note isn't a good place to bring it up.
  • Ask about next steps (or confirm next steps if defined during the interview). If these weren't already defined by the end of the interview - shame on you. Here's your chance to redeem yourself. Try to close the deal and ask what the next steps are.
  • Reaffirm interest - Stay short of asking for the job in a thank you note, but definitely let the company know you're very interested in learning more.
  • Re-thank

( Continued ... Top 3 Ways To Write A Thank You Note )

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Thank You! Make an impact in 5 minutes
Ending An Interview – How To Ask For The Job

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who's Hiring - Top employers week of 5-24-10 - page 3

Job Openings Added This Week:

The business service, telecommunications, defense, retail, heath care and government verticals are the top industries with new job postings this week based on a survey of the nations’ leading job advertisements added during the past seven days.

Business service lead new hiring advertisements this week as IBM, Deloitte, Booz Allen, and SAIC were included in the top job advertisers this week. Telecommunications was next as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon are looking for employees.

Defense added job advertisements this week as General Dynamics and Raytheon were searching for employees. Retail continued its recruiting trend this week with Macy's, Sears, Kmart, Toys"R"Us, Pilot, GNC, RadioShack, TJ Maxx, Dollar General and Bloomingdale's looking for employees.

Health care continues to search for staff as HCR Manorcare, UnitedHealth, Gentiva, Genzyme, DaVita, Genesis Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente, Sundance Rehabilitation and Quest Diagnostics added positions this week. Government is hiring again the US Department of Veterans Affairs was in the top 10 of new job advertisers this week.

Job Openings added this week by direct advertisers (Recruiters & Staffing Companies not included):

  • IBM
  • AT&T
  • Deloitte
  • General Dynamics
  • Macy's
  • Sears, Roebuck and Co.
  • HCR ManorCare
  • Kmart
  • US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Toys"R"Us
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Pilot Travel Centers
  • Pepsi Beverages Company
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • GNC
  • Sonic Drive-In
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • T-Mobile
  • Verizon Wireless
  • Gentiva Health
  • RadioShack
  • Friendly's
  • Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
  • TruGreen
  • Wells Fargo
  • Snap-on Tools
  • Genzyme
  • Pizza Hut
  • T.J. Maxx
  • Terminix
  • DaVita
  • Genesis Healthcare
  • Hilton Hotels
  • Dollar General
  • Bloomingdale's
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Sundance Rehabilitation
  • Raytheon
  • Quest Diagnostics
  • SAIC

Sources: CareerBuilder, Monster, Indeed, SimplyHired, HotJobs, Google. Excluded: Recruiters, Staffing firms, Training, Franchise, and Work-from-home opportunities.

Readers – If you know of employers announcing significant hiring plans, or employers actively adding large numbers of employees, please comment below to add to this list.

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-17-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-21-10

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Who's Hiring - Top employers week of 5-24-10 - page 2

Total Job Openings:

Business Service firms are back on top of the hiring list as IBM and Deloitte were both in the top 10 companies advertising for new hires. Hospitality was next as Pizza Hut, Marriott, Cracker Barrel, Hilton, Boston Market and Sonic continued heavy job advertisements.

Retail continues staffing growth long after the holidays are over. Advance Auto Parts, Sears, Kmart, Lowe's and Blockbuster were all top 10 hiring firms, while Macy’s, JCPenny and Flying J were also in the top hiring firms. Telecommunications firms remain top hiring companies with AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon still staffing actively.

Health care rounded out the list as HCR ManorCare, Amedisys Home Health, UnitedHealth, Fresenius Medical Care, DaVita, Genesis Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente and Faulkner Hospital were in a strong recruiting mode.

Based on surveys of US job advertisements in the top job board aggregators, the following companies searched for the most job openings:

Total Job Openings by direct advertisers (Recruiters & Staffing Companies not included):

  • IBM
  • PizzaHut
  • Advance Auto Parts, Inc.
  • AT&T
  • HCR ManorCare
  • Sears
  • Kmart
  • Lowe's
  • Deloitte
  • Blockbuster
  • General Dynamics
  • US Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Macy's
  • Amedisys Home Health Services
  • Raytheon
  • JPMorgan Chase
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • T-Mobile
  • Navistar International Corporation
  • Fresenius Medical Care
  • Marriott
  • DaVita
  • Genesis Healthcare
  • JCPenney
  • Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
  • Flying J
  • HP
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • US Army
  • Snap-on Tools
  • Faulkner Hospital
  • Verizon Wireless
  • Hilton Hotels
  • Aflac
  • Boston Market
  • La Petite Academy
  • PDS Technical Services
  • Columbia University
  • TD Bank
  • Sonic Drive-in

( Continued ... Top job openings added this week )

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-17-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-21-10

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Who's Firing - Layoffs week ended 5-21-10 - page 3

Top Layoffs Week Ended 5/21/10 - Continued

  • H&R Block, Various US (400)
  • Jersey City School District, Jersey City NJ (375)
  • The University of Texas Medical Branch, Various TX (360)
  • Northrop Grumman Technical Services, Fort Hood TX (311)
  • Sam Seltzer's Steakhouses, Various FL (300+)
  • UPS, Various US (300)
  • Bank of America, Richmond VA and Glendale CA (268)
  • Pomona Unified School District, Pomona CA (260)
  • TG California Automotive Sealing Inc, Hayward CA (252)
  • Sonoma County, Santa Rosa CA (<251)
  • UPS Teleservices, Santa Maria CA (249)
  • TPI Composites, Newton Iowa (237)
  • Durham School District, Durham NC (230)
  • Coachella Valley/Desert Sands Unified School District, La Quinta CA (225)
  • Whittier-area school districts, Whittier CA (200)
  • Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Department, Charlotte NC (<200)
  • Delta Dental, Cerritos CA (189)
  • Reed Business Information, Oak Brook IL (177)
  • New Britain Schools, New Britain CT (<175)
  • Anderson Community School Corporation, Anderson IN (168)
  • Netflix, Fremont CA (160)
  • Metavante Corp, Madison WI (157)
  • Clark County, Las Vegas NV (150-500?)
  • HNTB, Kansas City MO (150)
  • Warner Springs Ranchowners Association, Warner Springs CA (150)
  • Sunwest Management Inc, Salem OR (150)
  • Saks Fifth Avenue, Charleston SC and San Diego CA (132)
  • Alameda School District, Alameda CA (130)
  • School Specialty, Greenville WI (115)
  • Whitfield County Schools, Dalton GA (113)
  • Coca-Cola Enterprises, San Benito TX (101)
  • The Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools, Winston-Salem NC (100+)
  • HighMount Exploration & Production LLC , Houston TX (84)
  • The American Red Cross, Johnstown PA (80)
  • Pyramid Services, Palmdale CA (77)
  • Ikon Office Solutions, Houston TX (63)
  • Havi Logistics, Portland OR (60)
  • Princeton Review Inc, Various US (60)
  • Spokane County Jail and Geiger Corrections Center, Spokane WA (59)
  • Pelco, Clovis CA (50)
  • Bedford Schools, Lambertville OH (46)
  • Zebra Technologies, Camarillo CA (46)
  • Luzerne County PA (40)
  • Helicos BioSciences Corp, Cambridge MA (40)
  • City of Ann Arbor MI (40)
  • Noblesville Schools, Noblesville IN (39)
  • City of Royal Oaks, MI (<36)
  • Carefusion Resources, Riverside CA (35)
  • City of Atlantic City NJ (35)
  • Criterion Catalysts & Technologies, Azusa CA (35)
  • City of Passaic NJ (<33)
  • East Allen County Schools, New Haven IN (31)
  • Rite Aid Corporation, Poca WV (31)
  • General Dynamics, Westminster MD (31)

Source: Google, Twitter,,,,, Gawker,,

Readers – If you know of employers announcing significant layoff plans, or employers reducing large numbers of employees, please comment below to add to this list.

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-17-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-14-10

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Who's Firing - Layoffs week ended 5-21-10 - page 2

Pharmaceuticals topped the list as Pfizer continued its post merger consolidation, announcing 6,000 layoffs throughout the organization. Spirit Airlines announced possible layoffs of up to 1,583 workers due to labor disputes.

Government was next as 32 local governmental units and school districts announced layoffs this week affecting thousands of workers, lead by The Orange County Unified School District's announcement of over 1,500 job cuts and City of Los Angeles announced 761 layoffs. We are seeing more local governmental and education layoffs as we approach the end of the school year as well as government fiscal years - Governments and school boards have to finalize budgets for next year and announcing related layoffs.

Financial Service firms announced layoffs also as MF Global Holding cut 480 NYC jobs and H&R Block slashed 400 positions throughout the US. UTMB cut 360 health care positions throughout Texas as the health care arm of the school lost funding for prisoner health care.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as some from the same sectors appeared on the “Who’s Hiring” article published 5/17/10.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs for the week ended 5/21/10:

  • Pfizer, Various US (6,000)
  • Spirit Airlines, Miramar FL (<1,583)
  • Orange County Unified School Districts, Costa Mesa CA (1,546)
  • City of Los Angeles CA (761)
  • MF Global Holding, NYC NY (<480)
( Continued ... See the rest of this week's top layoffs )

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Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-17-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-14-10

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Interview in a Snap: Best of reCareered - page 3

If everyone uses the same methods, what can give you an edge?

5 Tips To Give You An Edge In The First 30 Seconds:

  1. Expressiveness: People with animated expressions and vocal variances are seen as more easily read, so hiring managers feel they are seeing the real person, with less guessing involved. This trait makes the interviewee more naturally likable. So leave your “Poker Face” at home.

  2. “Interaction Synchrony”: Mirror postures, gestures, and non-verbal communications of the interviewer. In a way, it shows the interviewer subconsciously that you understand and speak their language. Every hiring manager wants someone who “gets them”, can almost read their mind, avoiding additional explanation and miscommunication.

  3. Eye Contact: Practice your eye contact. Use video with mock interviews, paying attention see if you look at the interviewer while they are speaking, and if you maintain eye contact while answering. Lack of eye contact can give the non-verbal impression that you’re not interested, a poor listener, even that you might not be telling the truth. Have someone else evaluate your eye contact, and give you feedback.

  4. Preparedness: Always go to an interview prepared with a pen and portfolio for note taking.

  5. Posture: Sit forward, never back, with your hands in your lap. Keep both feet on the floor, and sit straight and still. When answering, lean forward slightly. Don’t slouch or kick back, even if the interviewer does (this is one non-verbal cue that you shouldn’t mimic). Some interviewers will lean back as a test…to see if the candidate mimics.
All of these non verbal cues take place in the first 30 seconds. Your non-verbal cues, along with the first impression your resume already gave the interviewer typically determines the hiring manager’s decisions.

Candidates, Recruiters, and Hiring Managers - Any tips to add about how to make a great non-verbal impression in the first 30 seconds?

What will you do differently during your next interview to make a non-verbal first impression?

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6 Ways To Become the Top Dog Before Your Interview: Best of reCareered
Online Portfolios Give Candidates A Leg Up

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Interview in a Snap: Best of reCareered - page 2

The Research:

Two Harvard researchers, Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal studied nonverbal aspects of teachers, by having observers rate instructor effectiveness from 10 second silenced video clips. When Ambady ran a second 15 item personality rating based on just 5 second clips, the ratings were the same. They were the same when she showed just 2 second clips. And they were the same as end of semester teacher evaluations. Ambady found that we make snap personality judgments in just a couple of seconds – literally in a snap.

Frank Bernieri, a University of Toledo Psychologist trained grad students to act as job interviewers, and taped the interviews. He then showed the first 20 to 32 seconds to observers – just enough to show the handshake and greeting. The observers then used the same 6 page evaluation as the interviewers to rate each applicant. The surprising results: "On nine out of the eleven traits the applicants were being judged on, the observers significantly predicted the outcome of the interview," Bernieri says. "The strength of the correlations was extraordinary."

"In social psychology, there is an amazing amount of literature and research that show that once we have any expectation, once we have any working theory, any working hypothesis, we are biased in the way we process information," Bernieri said. "We go out of our way to seek confirming evidence. However, in our minds, we think we're being analytical and processing the whole time. So by the time we finish, we think our judgments are based on the data.""People do judge books by their covers," Bernieri concluded. "First impressions are going to predict final impressions."

Do these findings floor you?

So how do you take this information to make it work for you?

The Easy, Basic, Obvious Stuff That Everybody Does:

But most job seekers already know these tactics….so most serious candidates do the same thing. What can you do to stand out?

( Continued ... 5 Tips To Give You An Edge In The First 30 Seconds )

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6 Ways To Become the Top Dog Before Your Interview: Best of reCareered
Online Portfolios Give Candidates A Leg Up

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Job Search Time Management - page 3

Sure it's obvious to decrease low gain activities, and increase high return opportunities. But what are they?

Low Gain Activities:

Concentrating your job search on high return activities gives you the biggest bang for your buck and makes your job search go faster. These activities have the highest odds of leading you to an interview, and making the best initial impression to make you a high ranking candidate.

High Return Job Search Activities:

Think about your own job search. How much time do you spend at low gain activities? How much time could you reinvest into high gain activities?

Readers and recruiters - Did I leave anything out? Do you have suggestions of high or low return activities that you can add?

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Activity vs Effectiveness In Job Search
Top 50 Web 2.0 Sites For Job Search In 2010

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Job Search Time Management - page 2

The game has changed in a big way - it's at least 6 times more competitive. In an average job market, there's about 1 advertised job per unemployed worker. Today, the US average is 6 unemployed workers for each advertised job (it's close to 10:1 in some states) - these numbers may be understated because they don't include those who have exhausted unemployment and passive job seekers.

For lack of more precise statistics - it's 6 times more competitive than the average year, and about 12 times more competitive than a good year like 1999 (your dog could find a job in 1999).

The Game Has Changed:

  • Low hanging fruit breeds spoiled habits: In an average job market, candidates don't have to be good at job search. In average job markets, there are so many jobs that candidates can use enough of just about any activity and still stumble across job offers in a short time.
  • Most candidate networking efforts are random activities: The majority of candidates describe networking is calling/emailing their contacts and letting each know they are looking for work. This is a random activity - when labor demands are strong enough, this random activity can provide results. During the worst job market of our lifetime, this random activity seldom delivers acceptable results - but it's how candidates have been taught to job hunt.
  • There is no low hanging fruit today: When there are job shortages, random search approaches deliver poor results.
  • Win by increasing your odds: When the job market is 6 times more competitive than an average market, the winners do so by increasing their odds. Frustrated job seekers seldom structure their job search to maximize their odds.

One of the best ways to increase your odds is to manage your job search time, so you concentrate on high gain activities. This type of job search approach is foreign to many candidates. Let's examine some job search time management steps to increase your odds:

Steps To Increase Your Odds:

  1. Plan: Very very very few candidates plan their job search effectively. Planning involves more than just tracking, building target lists, and creating marketing materials. Planning involves project management - building a timeline, planning activities, and tracking feedback to keep your plan on track. I talk to hundreds of project managers each year in job search - if I'm lucky, I'll find one who has built a written project plan for their own job search. Have you? (See

  2. Identify high return activities: Some examples of activities that most often have high returns are included on page 3.

  3. Identify low gain activities: Examples of low gain activities that should be eliminated are also on page 3.

  4. Increase the high return activities; Decrease the low gain activities: Does this need more explanation?

  5. Identify additional opportunity channels to diversify your search: What did you learn about all your eggs in one basket? Even more so with job search. Invest time in building opportunity channels including boards, recruiters, networking, social networking and social branding.

  6. Focus, Focus, Focus: Scattershot approaches are ineffective during job shortages. Scattershot works when you are stumbling across abundant low hanging fruit.

  7. Track activities and results: How else can you tell what's working and where you should concentrate more time? See

  8. Track Opportunities: DIY'ers - Use a simple Excel spreadsheet. For a packaged approach try

( Continued ... Low Gain and High Gain Activities )

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Activity vs Effectiveness In Job Search
Top 50 Web 2.0 Sites For Job Search In 2010

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Top 50 Web 2.0 Sites For Job Search In 2010 - page 3

Top Web 2.0 Sites - #26 - 50

  1. Linkedin Groups - Networking, Alumni, industry and networking groups
  2. Facebook Groups – Common interest based groups
  3. Yahoo Groups – Common interest based groups
  4. Google Groups – Common interest based groups
  5. – Common interest based groups

  6. Blogs
  7. Blogger – Blog platform
  8. Wordpress – Blog platform

  9. Bookmarks & site reviews
  10. Delicious – Social bookmarking
  11. Digg – User submitted reviews of websites, services, blogs
  12. StumbleUpon – User reviews and web channel surfing
  13. Reddit – Submit, vote on, and rank news & links

  14. Feeds
  15. FeedDemon – Manage RSS feeds
  16. Google Reader - Manage RSS feeds

  17. Communication
  18. Skype – Social network, IM, and VOIP
  19. Google Voice - Free Voip, text, phone forwarding
  20. Meebo – Web based multi platform IM

  21. Maps
  22. Google Maps – Maps, directions, traffic, public transit, biking, satellite, 3D, street views
  23. Yahoo Maps – Maps, directions, traffic, satellite
  24. Bing Maps - Maps, directions, traffic, satellite, 3D

  25. Events
  26. Google Calendar – Shared and mashup calendars
  27. Evite – User generated invitations and events
  28. Meetup – User generated special interest group meeting listings
  29. Eventful – Create and share events

  30. Research
  31. Wikipedia – User created encyclopedia

  32. Feedback
  33. Razume – User submitted resumes, professional community review & feedback

None of these tools on their own will find a job for you - only you can do that for yourself. However, these sites can help job seekers overcome a huge challenge - differentiating themselves over the most competitive job market in our lifetimes.

Readers - How can you use these tools to brand yourself online and gain more inside information on companies/opportunities. Recruiters and hiring managers - How do you find candidates using Web 2.0?

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5 Ways Social Media Gives Job Seekers An Advantage In A Recession: Best of reCareered
The Top 30 Job Boards For 2010

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Top 50 Web 2.0 Sites For Job Search In 2010 - page 2

Some of these tools made the last top web 2.0 sites list that I published. Others were in existence, but hadn't made the list. Over 25% of these apps are new. Many of these sites are free, but not all. I do tend to favor free applications, as money is often tight to those in career transition.

Please note, the numerical order isn't important - this isn't a ranking. The list is ordered by function, describing how they can help a candidate.

Top Web 2.0 Sites - #1 - 25

    Social Networks
  1. Linkedin – Social network, primarily business
  2. Facebook – Social network, business and personal
  3. Twitter – Text-like social network
  4. Ning – Private Social networks
  5. MySpace – Social network, primarily personal
  6. YouTube – User generated video

  7. Lists and Directories
  8. Plaxo – Contact synchronizer
  9. ZoomInfo – Business directory
  10. Spoke – Business directory & Social network
  11. Jigsaw – Business directory
  12. Twitter Lists - Lists of top industry Twitter lists
  13. - Job Search Contact Management, Job search tracking

  14. Job Boards
  15. Indeed – Job listing aggregator
  16. SimplyHired – Job listing aggregator, also on Linkedin
  17. TweetMyJobs - Largest Job Board via Twitter
  18. Crowdspring - Bid on freelance jobs.  Currently for designers and writers, but expanding to other types of freelance projects

  19. Office Tools
  20. Docs - Free MS Office documents online, easily post to Facebook - Office 2010 online to launch soon
  21. Google Docs - Free MS Office compatible docs online, post links anywhere

  22. Media
  23. Flickr – User Generated Photo sharing
  24. Picasa - User generated photo sharing
  25. - Professionally filmed/edited video resume

  26. Websites & Online Portfolios
  27. Google Sites - Build a free website or online candidate portfolio
  28. - Build a free website or online portfolio

  29. Questions & Answers
  30. Yahoo Answers – User generated questions and answers
  31. LinkedIN Answers – User generated questions and answers

( Continued ... Top Web 2.0 Sites - #26 - 50 )

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5 Ways Social Media Gives Job Seekers An Advantage In A Recession: Best of reCareered
The Top 30 Job Boards For 2010

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Friday, May 18, 2007

How Employee Referral Bonus Programs Can Work For You ... Or Against You - page 3

Employee referral programs can either work for you, or against you - depending on how you approach your job search. Employee referral programs typically change how a candidate can successfully gain the hiring manager's attention. Using the same old methods will usually land you on the express train to HR.

How Do Employee Referral Bonus Programs Work Against You?

  1. Remove networking advantages: Employee referral bonus programs remove advantages of the way that most of us were taught to network into a company, because their intent is to funnel resumes into a centralized database - the same Applicant Tracking System that your resume would go if you applied online. Remember, these programs are set up to show equal treatment of candidates.
  2. Discourage passing resumes to hiring managers: Most companies track bonus eligibility by requiring employees to submit resumes directly to HR - not to the hiring manager. Remember, the program's purpose is to centralize resumes in an HR Applicant Tracking System ... it's designed to remove the advantage of passing your resume to a friend.
  3. Some organizations have penalties against breaking the rules: Employee referral bonus programs are designed to build a pipeline of resumes into HR, not to hiring managers. Heavily regulated companies and those who have had past EEOC/DOL issues are concerned about employee adherence to these procedures - breaking the rules could trigger increased government audits and big fines. Many companies who are at greater risk of audits or fines respond by putting penalties in place for employees and managers who circumvent the system. Do you really think an employee will risk their job by breaking the rules to help you? Do you really think that a hiring manager will risk their job or budget to circumvent the system?
  4. Unfocused Networking less effective: It's seldom effective to get your resume to just any employee of a company that offers employee referral bonuses, given the high likelihood that it will be sent to HR.
  5. Interviews dependent on keyword search: Since your networked resume is evaluated in the same way as the hundreds (or thousands) of other resumes from job board & company website, it's pre-screened by searching for keywords. Remember, these policies are designed to remove the advantage of "going around" HR.

While employee referral bonus programs create a number of unfavorable situations for the candidate, they also create some advantages. What are some methods with greater odds of gaining hiring manager attention? Here are a 6 ideas:

How Can You Make Employee Referral Programs Work For You?

  1. Fewer networked resumes make it to the hiring manager: Bad news - it's tougher. Good news - it's tougher. This additional filtering makes it even more valuable to get your resume to the hiring manager, since more resumes are filtered by HR. If you can get your resume directly to the hiring manager, it carries even more impact and increases your odds of an interview even more.
  2. Highly focused networking can be effective: Today, it's not enough just to get your resume to an employee but to improve your odds you need to get it to the right employee - the hiring manager. The two best ways to accomplish this is to get a conversation with the hiring manager, or encourage an extremely close friend or relative to break company rules and send directly to the hiring manager.
  3. Know when to send and when to hold off: Sending your resume to the first person you talk to is a directly invitation to HR - not where you want to be (unless you want an HR job). Instead of asking where to send your resume, ask who is responsible for a specific department or function and call them. It will likely take many attempts to reach this person and they may not be the hiring manager - it's not the easy path. However, the easy path is so much less effective, that it make the extra effort to identify and call the hiring manager first very worthwhile. Most candidates will agree that if they have the chance to talk to the hiring manager, they can get an interview - because the odds go way up.
  4. Ignore paths to HR: Job search can seem like a maze and HR can be a dead end. When trying to get through a maze, you you stop and give up at dead ends -Or do you try a differnt path? Many companies direct their employees to direct all potential candidates to HR - a path that is not in your best interest, because it takes away your advantage and lowers your odds. Don't be scared that a company will "get mad at you" for ignoring a direction to HR, but find a different path to the hiring manager.
  5. Change your goal: When reaching out to network contacts, many job seekers state ineffective goals. Your goal should be to have a conversation, not send a resume. If your goal is to find the contact to send your resume, you may be told to send it directly to your contact and they'll forward (to HR, so they qualify for the bonus). Alternatively, you may get a name and email, with encouragement to mention the contact's name in your email - It's a good bet that this person is in HR, and mentioning your contact's name qualifies them for a bonus. The odds are much better to get hiring manager contact information if your goal is a conversation to share industry info - and much worse if your stated goal is inquire about jobs.
  6. Your network is even more valuable with employee referral programs: If you leverage your network well, your contacts are even more valuable to you for companies with employee referral programs. Leverage your network for information, not directly for jobs, and you'll have a greater chance of getting hiring manager contact info, or at least getting closer to the hiring manager (it's often a multi-step process in larger organizations).

While smaller companies often don't use these programs, employee referral programs are in place at most large, mid-sized and heavily regulated employers today. These policies change the game of how to be successful in networking into a company. The old rules don't apply ... instead, the old rules simply fast-track you to an HR database. However, by changing strategy of how you approach a company, these policies can be a big advantage for the smart candidate.

How will you change your approach to companies you've targeted, to increase your chances of landing an interview?

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Networking For Job Search - Organize your contacts for increased search effectiveness
Why Candidates Should Avoid The Ambush Informational Interview

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How Employee Referral Bonus Programs Can Work For You ... Or Against You - page 2

Employee referral bonus programs have been around for a long time. However, companies expanded their use of this practice over the past ten years, responding to increasing labor and audit regulation.

Why Do Companies Use Employee Referral Programs?

  • Centralized Collection of Resumes: Nearly all employee referral bonus programs require that the employee send the referred resume into HR. This allows HR to collect the nearly 50% of the resumes a company receives through their own employees' personal networks.
  • EEOC: In order to comply with stronger EEOC regulations, companies had to build procedures to show that they give all applicants an equal chance at employment, including those that apply through their personal contacts. Employee referral bonus programs incent employees to forward resumes that come into their inboxes.
  • Auditors: Public and regulated companies saw strengthened audit rules about the same time as EEOC regulations were strengthened by The Patriot Act. Auditors typically recommend that companies use employee referral bonus programs as part of their EEOC compliance, as procedures to equally consider all resumes submitted - including the average 50% of all resumes submitted directly to individual employees through personal networks.
  • Reduce recruiter fees: Paying an employee bonus is less expensive than recruiter fees

Not all companies have implemented employee referral bonus programs, but companies many have increased the use of these procedures. Here's how to tell if a company is likely to have a referral program, so you can better plan your approach.

How Can I Tell If A Company Uses Employee Referral Bonus Programs?

  • Public or Private: Most publicly traded companies use employee referral bonus programs
  • Size: Most midsized and large companies use employee referral bonus programs
  • Regulated: Most companies (except the really small ones) in regulated industries use employee referral bonus programs
  • Company website: Many company websites list full employee benefit programs, and may include employee referral bonus programs
  • Ask a contact at that company: Since employees have a monitary advantage (some might say a "bribe") to submit resumes to HR, it's in your contact's self interest to encourage you to submit your resume to directly them individually.

( Continued ... How Employee Referral Bonus Programs Can Work Against You Or For You )

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Networking For Job Search - Organize your contacts for increased search effectiveness
Why Candidates Should Avoid The Ambush Informational Interview

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Who's Hiring - Top employers week of 5-17-10 - page 3

Job Openings Added This Week:

The hospitality, telecommunications, business services, government, heath care and retail verticals are the top industries with new job postings based on a survey of the nations’ leading job advertisements added during the past seven days.

Hospitality lead new hiring advertisements this week with Pizza Hut, Long John Silver's, Marriott, Sonic and Hilton searching for employees. Telecommunications was next as AT&T and Verizon are looking for employees.

Business service is recruiting as IBM, Deloitte and Booz Allen were included in the top job advertisers this week. Government is hiring again with two of the top ten new advertisers this week - State of Pennsylvania and US Department of Veterans Affairs.

Health care continues to search for staff as HCR Manorcare, Genesis Healthcare, Gentiva, Amedisys, UnitedHealth, Fresenius Medical Care, DaVita, Hgi Healthcare, Bayada Nurses, Quest Diagnostics, Kaiser Permanente and Kindred Healthcare added positions this week. Retail continued its recruiting trend this week with Sears, Macy's, Kmart, CVS Caremark and Bloomingdale's looking for employees.

Job Openings added this week by direct advertisers (Recruiters & Staffing Companies not included):

  1. Pizza Hut
  2. AT&T
  3. IBM
  4. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  5. HCR ManorCare
  6. Long John Silvers
  7. Veterans Affairs
  8. Genesis Healthcare
  9. Sears
  10. Amedisys Home Health Services
  11. Deloitte
  12. General Dynamics
  13. JPMorgan Chase
  14. UnitedHealth Group
  15. Macy's
  16. KinderCare Learning Centers
  17. Raytheon
  18. Booz Allen Hamilton
  19. Fresenius Medical Care
  20. TruGreen
  21. Kmart
  22. Marriott
  23. Sonic Drive-in
  24. Snap-on Tools
  25. DaVita
  26. Verizon Wireless
  27. Terminix
  28. Hgi Healthcare
  29. Bank of America
  30. Wells Fargo
  31. Bayada Nurses
  32. Hilton Hotels
  33. Quest Diagnostics
  34. CVS Caremark
  35. TD Bank
  36. Kaiser Permanente
  37. Kindred Healthcare
  38. American Express
  39. Century 21 Real Estate
  40. Bloomingdale's
Sources: CareerBuilder, Monster, Indeed, SimplyHired, HotJobs, Google. Excluded: Recruiters, Staffing firms, Training, Franchise, and Work-from-home opportunities.

Readers – If you know of employers announcing significant hiring plans, or employers actively adding large numbers of employees, please comment below to add to this list.

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-10-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-14-10

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Who's Hiring - Top employers week of 5-17-10 - page 2

Not only is this valuable for job seekers, but for business analysts, corporate strategists, marketers, salespeople, investment analysts, financial advisers, and others who are interested in companies experiencing growth. Despite the recession, these companies are all expanding.

Total Job Openings:

Hospitality remained on top as this weeks' top employers as Pizza Hut, Marriott, Cracker Barrel, Hilton and Boston Market continued heavy job advertisements. Telecommunications firms were next with AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon still staffing actively.

Retail continues staffing growth and were nowhere near the holidays. Advance Auto Parts, Sears, Kmart and Blockbuster were all top 10 hiring firms, while Macy’s, JCPenny and Flying J were also in the top hiring firms.

Business Service firms continued strong hiring as IBM, Deloitte and CSC continued to advertise for new hires. Defense increased staffing as General Dynamics, Raytheon and US Army were included in this month's top hiring firms.

Health care rounded out the list with Amedisys Home Health, UnitedHealth, Fresenius Medical Care, DaVita, Genesis Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente, Bayada Nurses, Quest Diagnostics, and Kindred Health Care - they comprised 9 of the top 40 hiring companies.

Based on surveys of US job advertisements in the top job board aggregators, the following companies searched for the most job openings:

Total Job Openings by direct advertisers (Recruiters & Staffing Companies not included):

  1. Pizza Hut
  2. AT&T
  3. Advance Auto Parts
  4. IBM
  5. Sears
  6. Kmart
  7. Blockbuster
  8. General Dynamics
  9. Amedisys Home Health Services
  10. Raytheon
  11. JPMorgan Chase
  12. Deloitte
  13. UnitedHealth Group
  14. Veterans Affairs
  15. Macy's
  16. T-Mobile
  17. Verizon Wireless
  18. Fresenius Medical Care
  19. Marriott
  20. DaVita
  21. JCPenney
  22. Genesis Healthcare
  23. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
  24. Flying J
  25. Kaiser Permanente
  26. HP
  27. U.S. Army
  28. Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC)
  29. Snap-on Tools
  30. Aflac
  31. Hilton Hotels
  32. Bayada Nurses
  33. Boston Market
  34. La Petite Academy
  35. Quest Diagnostics
  36. PDS Technical Services
  37. Bank of America
  38. Kindred Healthcare
  39. Combined Insurance
  40. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney

( Continued ... Top job openings added this week )

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Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-10-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-14-10

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Who's Firing - Layoffs week ended 5-14-10 - Page 3

Top Layoffs Week Ended 5/14/10 - Continued

  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Charlotte NC (500)
  • Health and Hospitals Corporation, NYC NY (500)
  • Union City School District, Union City NY (450)
  • Brockton School District, Brockton MA (430)
  • Howell School District, Howell NJ (400)
  • Dean Foods, Various US (350 - 400)
  • Northrop Grumman, Fort Eustis VA (330)
  • CNA Financial Corp, Chicago IL (320)
  • City of Fort Wayne IN (311)
  • International Paper Plant, Franklin VA (300)
  • Anheuser-Busch, Various US (300)
  • Homeboy Industries, Los Angeles CA (300)
  • Citigroup, Tuscan AZ (271)
  • Legg Mason, Baltimore MD (250)
  • Lodi Unified School District, Lodi CA (246)
  • Long Beach School District, Long Beach CA (243)
  • City of Las Vegas NV (200+)
  • The Mt. Diablo School District, Concord CA (200)
  • Ranch Market, Bakersfield CA (200)
  • Jordan School District, West Jordan UT (190)
  • Bank of America Call Center, State College PA (165)
  • Garland Commercial Industries, Freeland PA (159)
  • Medina City Schools Medina OH (158)
  • IWCO Direct, Fort Worth TX (119)
  • Lynwood Schools, Lynwood CA (118)
  • Amports, Baltimore MD (116)
  • Mark Machine Co, Fairfield NJ (102)
  • Interstate National Dealer Services, Uniondale NY (100)
  • Universal Mortgage Corp, Mequon WI (100)
  • Sykes Enterprises Inc, Bismarck ND (100)
  • Community Health Partnership (CHP), Eau Claire WI (98)
  • Cycling Sports Group, Bedford PA (92)
  • City of Mesa AZ (90)
  • Diageo Plc, Various US (90)
  • KDH Defense Systems, Inc, Johnstown PA and Waynesburg PA (90)
  • The Iowa Department of Human Services, Des Moines IA (88)
  • StarTek, Greeley CO (82)
  • First Student, Hudson, OH (80)
  • Palm Springs Unified School District, Palm Springs CA (80)
  • The University of Texas, Austin TX (75+)
  • PNC Bank, State College PA (73)
  • Dubuque School District, Dubuque IA (70+)
  • New York Military Academy, Cornwall on Hudson NY (66)
  • Staples, Cincinnati OH (64)
  • Avis Budget Car Rental, Parsippany NJ (65)
  • Student Transportation of America, Matamoras PA (63)
  • Pleasanton School District, Pleasanton CA (61)
  • Oceanside Unified School District, Oceanside CA (61)
  • Viz Media, San Francisco (60)
  • University Medical Center, Las Vegas NV (60)
  • Tops Markets, St. Marys PA (57)
  • Durham School Services, Lockhart TX (55)
  • Troy Library, Troy MI (55)
  • Dalton Public Schools, Dalton OH (52)
  • City of Costa Mesa CA (51)
  • Rocklin Unified School District, Rocklin CA (50)
  • AM General, Mishawaka IN (50)
  • The LifeSpring Mental Health Center, Floyd and Clark counties IN (50)
  • Greenville Hospital System, Greenville SC (50)
  • Presbyterian Church USA, Louisville KY (49)
  • City of Madison Heights MI (< 48)
  • Mount Laurel Township NJ (45)
  • Moses Taylor Hospital, Scranton PA (42)
  • ConMed Corp, Utica NY (41)
  • The Albemarle County Schools, Charlottesville VA (40)
  • University of New Orleans, New Orleans LA (40)
  • Morongo Unified School District, Morongo CA (37)
  • AnchorBank, Madison WI (36)
  • Huntsville City Schools, Huntsville AL (35)
  • Utah Transit Authority, Salt Lake City UT (34)
  • Tabs Direct Inc, Stafford TX (30)
Source: Google, Twitter,,,,, Gawker,,

Readers – If you know of employers announcing significant layoff plans, or employers reducing large numbers of employees, please comment below to add to this list.

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Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-10-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-7-10

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Who's Firing - Layoffs week ended 5-14-10 - Page 2

This information is intended for business analysts, corporate strategists, marketers, salespeople, investment analysts, financial advisers, and others who are interested in companies that are contracting. The information can be valuable to job seekers also, to understand companies that are probably not in growth mode.

Government topped the list this week as 30 local governmental units and school districts announced layoffs this week affecting thousands of workers, lead by The City of Los Angeles' announcement of 1,700 job cuts and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools announced 500 layoffs. We are seeing more local governmental and education layoffs this as we approach the end of the school year as well as government fiscal years - Governments and school boards have to finalize budgets for next year and announcing related layoffs.

Energy was next, as Chevron announced 1,500 job cuts in the Bay Area and throughout the US. Pfizer continues to cut as it integrates post-merger operations as it announced 1,400 pharmaceutical industry layoffs, while Takeda Pharmaceutical revealed 500 Chicago area job cuts. Defense also slashed headcount as General Dynamics/NASSCO laid off 900 San Diego employees and Northrup Grumman cut 330 jobs in Fort Eustis VA.

Health and Hospitals Corporation demonstrated that health care is downsizing, even while the industry is hiring overall, as the organization laid off 500 NYC workers.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as some from the same sectors appeared on the “Who’s Hiring” article published 5/10/10.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs for the week ended 5/14/10:

  • City of Los Angeles CA (1,700)
  • Chevron, San Ramon CA, Concord CA and Various US (1,500)
  • Pfizer Inc, NYC NY (1,400)
  • General Dynamics/NASSCO, San Diego CA (900)
  • Takeda Pharmaceutical, Chicago IL (500)

( Continued ... See the rest of this week's top layoffs )

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Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-10-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-7-10

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