
Monday, May 21, 2007

Who's Firing - Layoffs week ended 5-21-10 - page 2

Pharmaceuticals topped the list as Pfizer continued its post merger consolidation, announcing 6,000 layoffs throughout the organization. Spirit Airlines announced possible layoffs of up to 1,583 workers due to labor disputes.

Government was next as 32 local governmental units and school districts announced layoffs this week affecting thousands of workers, lead by The Orange County Unified School District's announcement of over 1,500 job cuts and City of Los Angeles announced 761 layoffs. We are seeing more local governmental and education layoffs as we approach the end of the school year as well as government fiscal years - Governments and school boards have to finalize budgets for next year and announcing related layoffs.

Financial Service firms announced layoffs also as MF Global Holding cut 480 NYC jobs and H&R Block slashed 400 positions throughout the US. UTMB cut 360 health care positions throughout Texas as the health care arm of the school lost funding for prisoner health care.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as some from the same sectors appeared on the “Who’s Hiring” article published 5/17/10.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs for the week ended 5/21/10:

  • Pfizer, Various US (6,000)
  • Spirit Airlines, Miramar FL (<1,583)
  • Orange County Unified School Districts, Costa Mesa CA (1,546)
  • City of Los Angeles CA (761)
  • MF Global Holding, NYC NY (<480)
( Continued ... See the rest of this week's top layoffs )

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 5-17-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-14-10

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