Ed Hamilton came up with one of the most creative resumes I've seen. This one even beats the resume I wrote about 2 years ago, delivered on a sheet cake.
It's not for everyone, but it's eye catching. So what did Ed do?He created his resume on Google Maps.
Especially if your background is international, Google Maps can create a wonderful visual resume effect for your global experience. In addition, since Ed's background is in digital advertising and he's a writer, this works well in catching a reader's attention.
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Now this wouldn't so work so well for me, since I've spent my entire career in the Chicago area and I doubt an employer would care what city block I worked on back in the '80's.
And Ed caught some major attention, as his resume was published in a number of publications with slightly higher readership than reCareered - Huffington Post and bNet, for example. So far Ed's resume has been viewed over 14,000 times, and retweeted thousands of times so far.
Since a Google map is a link, I'd include it within a formal resume or even a online portfolio, so it can get ATS' and HR reps who won't know what to make of it.
What Ed's resume lacks in formal style and details, he makes up in creativity, demonstrating that sometimes the unusual works. For instance, for Ed's work in Trinidad & Tobago (shown above), he detailed ...
"During a three month stay in Tobago's capital, Scarborough, I liaised with health officials and local politicians to write HIV awareness communications. No easy task when we were prohibited by the government from using the words condom, sex or HIV."
If you want to try this type of geographic resume, play with Google Maps, and use the push pin and notes features to give detail by location. You might want to give a little more detail, like more accomplishments and employer value statements (http://recareered.blogspot.com/2010/03/employer-value-statements-make-your.html) than Ed used.
In addition, a personal branding statement (http://recareered.blogspot.com/2010/01/how-personal-branding-statement-can.html) would be ideal for this type of resume. Since you'll have limited space, consider combining a Google Map resume with an online resume, and give links within each note for additional detail of your accomplishments in each job.
This could also work really well combined with a resublog (http://recareered.blogspot.com/2008/05/you-dont-have-to-be-shakespeare-to.html) or online portfolio (http://recareered.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-online-portfolios-put-you-at-top-of.html), to demonstrate examples of your worldliness adding more value to each push-pin.
What kind of creative ways can you think of to portray your resume in a way that stands out, like Ed's?
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Ed's resume can be found at: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=114132011303399005043.0004793536348da3669b1&z
Source: http://reCareered.blogspot.com
Just out of curiosity, did Ed Hamilton get a new job as a result of this resume?
Not sure, but according to his resume, he's still looking. With over 14K hits, he's bound to have opportunities.
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