reCareered - Resume Search Optimization and Job Search 2.0 for today's employment markets
Friday, May 30, 2008
6 Ways To Become the Top Dog Before Your Interview
Did you realize that nearly all hiring managers pre-rank candidates before they’ve interviewed even one? If you’re the top candidate before interviews, then it’s basically your job to lose.
So how can you position yourself as the top candidate?
It takes a lot of planning, and takes into account all 4 audiences of your resume. Check out the post on 4 audiences to see how to write for all your audiences. Why? If you don’t write for the database or HR, then your resume won’t get seen by the hiring manager. That makes it pretty tough to be the top candidate.
But let’s imagine you’ve successfully written for the Database and for HR, and your resume is in the pile for review on the Hiring Manager’s desk. How do you get to the #1 spot on that pile, before they’ve talked to you?
Here are 6 Tactics:
1. Demonstrate achievements not management: Many senior level managers forget that they hire people to solve specific problems, rarely based on the number of people they’ve managed. Use active bulletpoints to demonstrate how you Created Employer Value. State that you increased profits by X% by doing Y, Increased sales by X% by doing Y, Cut costs by X% by doing Y.
If your major bulletpoints have verbs like “Managed”, “Led”, “Coordinated”, “Liased” you are shortchanging yourself, because you’ve probably done much more exciting things in your career. Sure, many people haven’t gotten a position because they hadn’t managed a large enough staff – that’s often a nice way of saying “We found someone we liked better”.
2. Determine Target Company Problems and Goals: If you can demonstrate that you’ve already solved the problems that the company or manager has, you’re an early favorite candidate. Research everything about the company, but don’t focus on what happened in past company financials (unless you’re a CFO candidate). Focus on finding the problems that exist right now, or will occur in the next quarter. Draw inferences to guess how your target department and potential manager will be affected.
3. Network to a problem. Here’s a fantastic way to use your personal network, LinkedIN network, Facebook network, etc. Most people network to find someone to ask for a job, and it’s often a low return activity. You can make much better use of your network by finding out what’s going on inside the company, and insight about the people you’ll interview with.
4. Club your reader over the head: Once you’ve found out what’s important from research and networking, construct bulletpoints to address those issues – and put them at the top of your resume. Bold specific individual words to address job description keywords. Don’t bold phrases – instead make a greater visual impact by just bolding words.
5. Be the unique solution to the problem: Demonstrate how you have already solved the problems the company or manager has. Show how you are a Subject Matter Expert in solving their specific problem. Be the right person at the right time and right place.
6. Communicate in their language: Use keywords from the job description – the EXACT words. Don’t rephrase, because databases don’t understand rephrasing. More importantly, the job description along with research, conversations, and networking can tell you how the company communicates. Pay attention to your research and conversations to pick up more key words, and to note the communications style. Mirror the style in your resume and include liberal servings of keywords, and you’ve got a recipe for being the top candidate before you ever step foot into an interview room.
So look at your resume….does it make you the top candidate?
If you’d like a free 30 minute resume consultation or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Build a LinkedIN Profile That You Can be Proud Of!
If you are looking for a job, you should count on employers looking for your LinkedIN profile. It’s becoming a business standard to check people out online before hiring them, whether doing a Google search or looking them up on LinkedIN or Facebook.
Are you searching for a job with a bland or empty LinkedIN profile? What does that say about you? When employers or people you network with Google you, the first entry they find about you will probably be your LinkedIN or Facebook profile (unless you’ve already been heavily published, or have already built an online reputation).
Most LinkedIN profiles are very generalist in nature, and do little to help the job seeker truly stand out. As a job seeker, do you want a profile that looks like thousands of others, or a profile that is totally unique, yet professional?
Then again, you can make your LinkedIN profile work FOR you, by writing a profile designed to help employers find you in searches. What are the steps needed to write a killer LinkedIN profile?
1. Develop a very defined Subject Matter Expertise. LinkedIN doesn’t help generalists nearly as much as Subject Matter Experts. Throw out the idea of branding yourself as a broad generalist…it doesn’t work anymore. See Who Needs Generalists Anymore?
2. Determine the Specific problems where your Subject Matter Expertise can provide the Unique Solution. See Will You Stop Looking for a Job Already?
3. Develop strong bulletpoints of accomplishments, to demonstrate your experience in solving specific problems, to demonstrate you are the Unique Solution. Demonstrate how you have provided employer value – see Do You Create Employer Value?
4. Develop a skills inventory, and match it against what skills you see in demand in the marketplace. This is a great gut check to make sure you are highlighting the skills that are important to employers, not just the skills that make you feel good about yourself.
5. Develop a template resume around your tightly defined Subject Matter Expertise.
6. Use the top 4 bulletpoints from your last or (present) job, 2-3 bulletpoints for relevant jobs with outstanding achievements that add additional proof to your Subject Matter Expertise. Don’t bother with bulletpoints for jobs over 10 years ago (unless it contains subject matter expert proof that you can’t show elsewhere).
7. For jobs over 10 years, just list without explanation. It was 10 years ago - how much about that job is still relevant to an employer today?
8. Develop a highlight line, absolutely no longer than one typed line on a word document. Make it extremely brief, but extremely targeted.
9. Include your education, including graduate degrees. Include any volunteer activities
10. Link relevant sites – samples of your work, your online portfolios, blogs, any groups you moderate. List other online profiles (Facebook, Plaxo, Twitter, Spock, Ecademy, Xing, Jigsaw, Zoominfo, etc.).
11. Get the right recommendations. See LinkedIN Strategies – Recommendations.
Your LinkedIN profile is your first step to Online Reputation Management, and building your personal digital brand. So take a look at your LinkedIN profile. Does it paint you as the unique answer to a very specific problem? Or does it paint you as yet another generalist?
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
To Fax or Not to Fax – That is the Question
A client asked me if he should fax his resume, in order to get more attention. He was surprised when I said no.
Then I realized that there is still a misconception in the job seeker audience about faxed resumes.
The thought process in faxing resumes is to gain an advantage by delivering in a way that gets noticed. It was a sure fire way to get your resume seen…about 10 years ago. But not so much anymore – here’s why.
There are three roadblocks to getting your resume seen via fax: 1) Location of the fax machine; 2) Majority use of the fax machine; 3) Human Resources; 4) Aversion to paper
Location of the fax machine: Your faxed resume is likely to get lost. In the vast majority of companies, fax machines aren’t located in executive offices any longer. When fax machines used to be located in the executive suite, faxing your resume could be an effective way to get your background seen. Fax machines are now located in operations departments that send or receive faxes. Worse yet, many larger companies have adopted enterprise fax solutions, printing all faxes in a centralized location.
Majority use of the fax machine: Fax machines are typically used today when a written record is required of a signature, legal documentation/proof, or operational/accounting documents. They are typically used to transmit forms, where for accounting, signature or proof purposes, a paper form is necessary.
Fax machines are typically high volume collection points, wither separated by department or centralized in an enterprise printing operation. Unless you are certain that the decision maker you seek will review all faxes, assume that your fax will be lost. And are you certain that fax number is the machine your decision maker uses?
HR: In all but the smallest companies, Human Resources wants your resume in its database. The Human Resources department keeps statistics for the EEOC and Department of Labor. Since 9/11, Department of Labor audits became much more frequent and detailed and HR needs to get your information digitized, so they can quickly respond to government information requests. Faxes aren’t always the easiest to scan - If the print is too light or unclear, you risk having your resume rejected.
Aversion to Paper: Managers don’t manage paper well, and they are used to managing electronic documents. Paper risks getting lost or thrown out.
There are some exceptions, mainly clerical roles, where faxed resume can still work. Here are some examples:
- Applying for a job to sell or service fax machines or related supplies
- Applying for a job as a clerk who regularly processes faxes (order entry, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll)
- Applying for a job where sales orders are transmitted via fax
- Small very low tech companies
- Clerical or Blue collar jobs
Finally, if you are in technology, and you’re not emailing your resume, do you think an employer will take you seriously? Is the IT department typically a big user of faxes?
So…still want to fax your resume? I didn’t think so…..
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
4 Killer Ways to Use Research
An important part of resume customization and interview preparation is research. But I’ve found that many candidates could research more effectively.
Many candidates research a public company’s annual report, looking for sales and profit figures, understanding what industry they are in, who the officers are, and the major events of the past year. They research historically. But few of these facts will help much in making your resume standout, or impressing during an interview.
How can you make the most of your research time? Research prospectively – to gain insight on what’s happening now.
Think of research as finding information that falls into four categories: 1) Company Goals; 2) Company Challenges; 3) Questions; 4) Culture.
Goals & Challenges: If you’ve already Stopped Looking for a Job and instead are looking for a problem you are uniquely qualified to solve, then the process of research can be focused to find that problem. After you’ve found that problem that you’re uniquely qualified to solve, use the research as a background to craft your custom resume, showing how you’ve:
- Solved the exact challenge a company is facing
- Capitalized on the opportunities a company sees
- Broken through roadblocks to achieve the exact goals of your target company
- Solved problems that occur before or after a company has reached those goals
The higher in the organization you’re targeting, the bigger piece of the solution you’ll want to demonstrate on your resume. If you’re interviewing for a C-Level position, you’ll probably want to show how you solved the whole problem or most of it (if it’s cross functional). But even if you are interviewing for an Administrative Assistant’s role, you can show how you contributed to increasing sales by developing sales, margin, or commission tracking systems, dashboards, and ways to quickly report information to management. You can even show how you’ve decreased costs by streamlining processes or travel vendors.
Questions: If you’re preparing for an interview, you’ll want to look for questions. The most effective interview questions you can ask are questions you already know the answers to – and that lead the interviewer to bring up opportunities or challenges that you’ve already solved (see How to Take Control of the Interview).
Consider how you can turn company opportunities, challenges, roadblocks and problems into questions that address the problem, and break it down into the parts you want to discuss. Consider also how to turn these same facts into implication questions – what happens if the opportunity is missed, the challenge not met, the problem not solved? Finally, develop questions that “twist the knife” by monetizing the issue – How much will you lose if the opportunity is missed, how much will it cost if the problem is not solved?
Once you’ve monetized the problem, you’ve not only demonstrated more understanding than 99% of candidates, you can also demonstrate that you are an inexpensive solution to that problem.
Culture: Look at pictures of people and workspaces on annual reports and marketing brochures. Read every quote from employees of all levels that you can. Gain clues and insight on culture, communication styles, dress style, and the types of people who succeed within the target company’s environment. If you can find quotes, pictures, or best yet a podcast or video on the person who you are interviewing with, that can give you such an unfair advantage, it’s scary.
Ask yourself - Are they formal or informal? Laid back or intense? Analytical or creative? What are they being quoted on (it’s probably important to them)? What are they wearing? What’s in the background? What does the office look like (neat or cluttered)? What’s their facial expression? Do they talk fast or slowly? Expressive or reserved? Do they use their hands when speaking?
Discovering clues about culture can help you with communications style in your resume and non-verbal communications so critical in the first 2-30 seconds of an interview (See Non Verbal Interviewing, and Interview in a Snap). Even if a podcast or video features someone other than the specific hiring manager interviewing, you gain huge advantages in setting first impressions by picking up communication style clues within the organization, Why? Most people within an organization communicate using similar styles - mirroring that style gives you an advantage at making a great first impression.
Here’s list of 10 not so apparent places to find target company research:
1. Organization’s Website
2. Annual Reports – Public companies, Regulated Industries and some Non-Profits, Hospitals, Educational Institutions publish Annual Reports
3. Quarterly Reports – Mainly from Public Companies and Regulated Industries
4. Press Releases
5. Organization’s Blog (Blogs)
6. Google
7. Yahoo Finance
8. Hoover’s
9. LinkedIN contacts & company page
10. Technorati Searches
So how will you change how you use company research, and what you use it for?
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Who Wants a Piece of Me?
Hey, want a piece of me?
Go right ahead, just steal my content…
In case anyone noticed the comments between a couple of readers and me over the past few days, you might be wondering why I’d ask anyone to steal my content.
But first, how can today’s rant affect job seekers? As a job seeker you publish content also. Maybe it’s just your resume, but hopefully you’re getting other ideas from this blog and others. Hopefully, you’ve got content on your personal web page, LinkedIN, Facebook, MySpace, Interview on Demand, on an online portfolio, or your ResuBlog. Maybe you have video or audio on YouTube, pictures on Flickr, or bookmarks on Or you’ve shared your thoughts and commented on other blogs, forums, and groups.
Sharing expands your web presence and helps you promote and expand your subject matter expertise. As for me - I’m a “give before I get” kind of guy. For example, at networking events, I ask people how I can help them…and it usually has nothing to do with career search. In the same light, I want the content of this blog to be shared widely, and to benefit as many job seekers and career changers as possible. It’s my form of “Business Karma”.
This blog is about sharing, and hopefully making the job search market a little less dysfunctional. Fortunately, enough people appreciate my advice and want more. This allows me to pay my bills, and have time to give back to the job market through my blog and the 30 minute evaluations I offer free of charge.
What greater compliment can someone give me than republishing my work? It makes my day when I get a heartfelt email or comment of thanks. But there’s no greater validation that the hours I devote to this blog are worthy, when someone else uses my work.
I ask you to steal my content for the same reason Robert Scoble asks in Steal My Content, Please! Scoble, one of the brighter bulbs in the Blogosphere, writes “I WANT YOU to steal my content. In fact, next year I’m going to do stuff to make all my content available via Creative Commons license so you can use it whereever and whenever, including my video shows. I’d like a credit, yes, but don’t demand it. I’d rather just add to the human experience and if that means that other people make money off of my work, so be it. I’ve found that the more I give away my content, the more magical stuff happens to me anyway and if that means my photos or writings or videos get used in some way that I don’t really like, well, that’s a risk I’m willing to take.” You’re welcome Robert…I’ve stolen your content.
So now that I’ve asked you if you want a piece of me, I’m releasing any copyrights on material in my blog. Use my content anyway you like. If you can find a way to make money on it…good for you! You don’t even have to email me asking for permission to republish, if you don’t feel like it (Of course, I’d appreciate it if you did email me, so I can properly thank you for stealing my content, and just maybe make a new friend). It would be nice if you cited me, and linked back to this blog, but you don’t even have to do that.
Why would I release copyrights? For starters, copyright laws are designed to protect large corporations, not entrepreneurs. If one of the big boys wanted to steal my content, they could anyways…so I’m inviting you to. Besides, do you have any concept how expensive and time consuming it would be to protect a copyright? I’d rather spend my time helping career changers.
And how could sharing my content hurt me? I don’t take advertisers on my site, so it’s not like someone else is getting ad revenue from my content. And if you can make ad revenue from my writing…Do it! WAY TO GO!
The worst thing that could happen is that my Google page rank could go down just a bit, because Google penalizes exact duplicate pages published elsewhere. No worries, I’ve already republished many places already. Page ranking is nice, but helping more people is much better.
This is one of the really beautiful things about blogging. It’s altruistic. Blogging is about helping and reaching as many people as possible. Bloggers, even competitors in the same market, are collaborators who help each other. It’s a phenomenon I’ve never seen before in 25 years of business experience. Thank you for listening, and for your readership.
If you’d like to say thanks back, join the discussion.
Comment, email, or give me the greatest compliment you could…by stealing my content, please.
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Friday, May 23, 2008
A Seat At the Table With the Expert - Jackie Bassett
Jackie Bassett joins us today to discuss the media industry, and demand for new media professionals.
Jackie is a published author and the CEO of BT Industrials, a Washington DC based consulting firm, focusing on “turning problems into profits” for clients. Advertising and Media firms are one BT Industrials major business verticals.
reCareered: Thanks for joining us today Jackie. What do you see as the 2 greatest issues in Advertising and Media today?
Jackie Bassett: That’s easy, the two biggest issues are 1) Identifying what customers want, and 2) Finding Digital Talent. Today companies are great are managing collaboratively. For instance, the President of one client chose to move their offices closer to their talent, even though it doubled his commute.
reCareered: If your clients are having challenges finding digital talent, what skills do you see most in demand today?
Jackie Bassett: Flash, Actionscript steaming, content creation (video, audio, written). My clients need people who can get messages across to an ADD world. They need marketing specialists who can make effective byte sized content. Also, employees with experience in creating YouTube video is in high demand.
reCareered: Why do you think your clients are having problems finding this talent. Are there shortages?
Jackie Bassett: Maybe, but companies are looking in the wrong places for talent. It’s out there, even if it’s not the primary job of the candidate. Often my clients are looking for talents that haven’t been demonstrated in the workplace yet, but demonstrated in worker’s hobbies. Since worker hobbies rarely show up on a resume, the system overlooks some great talent. That’s how they look in the wrong places.
reCareered: If traditional search methods are the wrong places for this type of media worker, then what are the right places?
Jackie Bassett: You’re more likely to find these workers in the places they normally hang out. For instance, if you want a great YouTube video creator, why not go to YouTube and look for people who are creating innovative material?
reCareered: What kinds of people are on YouTube creating great videos? What would their resumes look like?
Jackie Bassett: They might be Network Admins, traditional advertising people, even accountants. These skills are probably not on their resume.
reCareered: So how can a digital media hobbyist get their work noticed and possibly make a career of these skills.
Jackie Bassett: Create a portfolio. MySpace is a great place to build a digital portfolio, or Facebook, or your own website. Create a blog if you are a writer to display your written content. Today there’s so much junk in the content world, and it takes so much time to find “diamonds in the rough”. Make it easy on the hiring company, and put together an organized professional digital portfolio.
reCareered: Why would media companies hire hobbyists without real world experience?
Jackie Bassett: It’s like the early days of Web Development. There were so few people who could build web sites and program HTML, companies would hire hobbyists. In today’s digital media world, some of the best talent out there is amateur talent, because it’s still emerging and few people have these work experiences.
reCareered: Isn’t it pretty risky for someone with a stable Network Admin career to jump in to the new world of new media?
Jackie Bassett: Sure it’s a risk, but it’s a good risk. If a hobbyist has good skills, and is passionate about their content, their pay will likely be comparable or close, and they’ll be doing what they love! There will be increasing needs for content, and long term career success, plus the benefit of doing what they like to do.
reCareered: Can you give an unusual example of how companies are hiring media hobbyists?
Jackie Bassett: Sure…Best Buy is an interesting example. They hire unemployed tech workers, and repurpose them to be media experts. Best Buy has vendor trainers train the floor sales force to use camera, video products, editing software, digital instruments. That way the sales staff develops expertise, and can demonstrate cool things products can do…for the buying public. They can also be resident experts in the store, not just to sell merchandise. Best Buy wants their sales staff to give you advice to better use products they’ve already sold, so you’ll come into the store to ask questions. When was the last time you left a Best Buy without buying something – at least a CD or DVD?
Jackie, thanks for your insights into the fast growing market for digital media talent. Jackie Bassett is the founder & CEO of BT Industrials, Inc. BT Industrials’ focus is on turning problems into profits. As a strategic management and technology consulting firm, they provide collaborative management consulting services to create value innovation. Jackie is also the author of two books “So You Built It and They Didn't Come. Now What?” and “A Seat at the Table for CEOs and CSOs: Driving Profits, Corporate Performance & Business Agility” .
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Achieve Enlightenment Through Networking Karma
Do you want to build a network that works for you? Who wouldn’t?
In past articles, I’ve talked about mass network strategies, about how to build a large database of names through social networks. But I’ve also said that I use a dual approach of large and small networks. In addition to spending time building a network of size, I work with a subset to build a network of quality.
These are my go-to people, people who will gladly introduce me or help me if I need to ask. No there aren’t 10M of them. But every one of them has a commonality. I’ve helped this group first.
I call this Networking Karma, and it works beautifully in face to face networking, as well as online networking. There’s nothing that turns a loose connection into someone willing to spend time, effort, energy, and reputation to help you faster than Networking Karma.
Many readers of this blog were people I met face to face at networking events, who experienced Networking Karma first hand. When I meet someone at a networking event, and am asked what I do, I often answer “I help people for a living”. This nearly always get a response like “Sure…what do you really do?”. That gives me the opportunity to reply “Why not tell me what you do, and I’ll show you how I might help you?”
This exchange does a few things…First, I truly am at networking events to find people I can help – not find clients (sure, I’ve found a few this way). I look to help people connect to others, to refer someone, to help others get to the contacts and resources they need to thrive. If I’m given the opportunity to help someone, it’s rarely forgotten, and I’ve just made a new friend.
This exchange also helps me to listen. I’m best able to listen when I turn the conversation to the other person, inviting them to talk about themselves, their business, their job, and their goals and challenges. I find that after I’ve heard another persons’ story, I’m often able to ask them about what they’ve left out (sometimes it’s their goals, their challenges, or to describe two people they’d really like to meet in the next 30-60 days).
At the end of this exchange, after the other person has had plenty of time to describe themselves, I suggest how I might help them, and add that my hobby is Career Coaching, and authoring this blog. If the other person asks who they might help me, I suggest they refer people considering job change to my blog. It’s free, it gives innovative job search information, and there’s no pressure to buy anything.
A job seeker can make this effective also. Go to networking events with a different goal in mind than looking for a job. If you recall my earlier article Would You Stop Looking For A Job Already?, I wrote how job seekers are more effective if they stop searching for a job, and start searching for problems to solve. Networking works the same way. If you search for problems you can solve at networking events, you do more than collect cards, you build a fan base.
And when you ask how you can help someone, you are searching for problems you can solve, even if your solution is referring someone to solve that problem. This type of referral not only wins you fans, but instantly builds your trustworthiness in the eyes of others. Try it at your next networking event, and see how it works.
But how can you make this work for online networking? When I send an initial email to someone I wish to connect with, I ask “How can I connect you to people you’d like to reach?” My profile on LinkedIN and Facebook starts with “I’m a professional at helping. How can I help you?”, long before I describe my business. Why do I start this way? Because I’m looking for people to help.
Along the way, sometimes through people kind enough to refer me or point a career changer to this blog, the right clients find me. These are job seekers who believe in the job search strategies that I teach, and who want help. I don’t want thousands of clients, because reCareered is set up to work personally with the clients I serve. I want to work with fans.
As a career changer, how can you adopt Networking Karma to your job search? Same way…build a fan base, by helping people, connecting people, referring people. Don’t be surprised if good things start to happen. Not overnight, but how often does the perfect job materialize overnight? Now along the way, make sure your fans know you’re in career transition, and have seen your online profiles, ResuBlog, and online portfolio. I do this through my email signature block, and by referencing my online presence on LinkedIN, Facebook, and this Blog.
In future articles, I’ll feature interviews with experts in Networking Karma, to give you their take on how to best use networking to accelerate your job search.
Thanks for reading…..How can I help you today?
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
Related Articles:
Networking Mistakes - Don't be THAT GUY at your holiday party
Other articles about personal networking
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Who Else Wants To Add More Facebook Friends?
One of the limiting factors of Facebook is that you only get one degree of separation, while LinkedIN gives you 3 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Here’s why that matters….I have almost 3K first level connections on LinkedIN, which gives me access to 10M members. On Facebook, I have over 1K first level connections, and that‘s all I can connect to.
Facebook has 2 applications that can help you: More Friends and People You May Know. Both applications attack the same issue from different approaches: Connecting to the friends of your friends efficiently.
Sure you could go through your friends lists, and invite people you know (or don’t know) to grow your network, but that takes a lot of time. Both applications suggest people who are friended by many of your friends. This means that the person is likely to have a lot in common with you, or be an open networker who accepts all friend invitations.
Using these tools also avoids the spam problem. Going through your friends’ list of friends and emailing them also looks like spam to the Facebook spam police, and will likely get you a nasty email warning saying Facebook will explode your PC if you continue (or kick you out of Facebook). Instead, sending invitations through either of these applications generates a default email that tells the receiver that you’ve got like a gazillion friends in common, and don’t you think we should connect?
More Friends: More Friends is an application that you need to add to Facebook. In order for More Friends to work, your Facebook friends have to have installed it also. This can be through your invitation, or you’ll probably see many friends have already added the application. After you add the application, More Friends searches your database, and the databases of all your friends who have added the application….and lists common connections, ranked by the number of common friends. I find people regularly that I share over 100 Facebook friends in common. I like that More Friends also lists location for most members, so I can add US based friends.
The real upside to More Friends is that many are open networkers, who are also looking to build large databases. This means that few will view your friend request as intrusive, and most will have large networks – giving you access to still more people through More Friends. In addition, the greater number of friends you have using More Friends, the greater number of common connections you will show with others. I get personally get a dozen or two inbound friend requests from people who want to add me to their databases.
More Friends does a great job by ranking the number of connections you have in common, but it has a downside. More Friends is useless unless you have friends in your network that have also installed it. You might have to invite some people to add the application, and some people consider this junk mail. You’ll also get a couple of Facebook spams, but it’s nothing like your junk mail folder.
People You May Know: This tool was recently added a few places within Facebook. It’s not an application, it’s part of Facebook, which means you don’t have to add it – it’s already there. People You May Know also suggests you might know others through common employers and education. You’ll see People You May Know on your home page (Right hand column), Find Friends, and also as News Feed stories. You can deselect, if you don’t wish to contact someone, and Facebook takes this feedback to make better future recommendations.
An interesting feature of People You May Know is the ability to not just friend people, but to refer them to other of your friends. Perhaps this is because you know that all of you were friends from work, or because you felt that person’s background was interesting. For instance, if you have a friend that’s looking for a job, you can suggest that I friend them. That will give them Facebook notifications when I post new articles to my blog (don’t worry…just like I don’t spam you, I won’t spam your friends either).
Will you find More Friends and more People You May Know to help your job search networking efforts? Please let me know about your experiences, and what works well (and not so well) for you on Facebook.
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Secret To Getting Simply Hired
This is the job board that most recruiters won’t recommend. It’s THAT good.
SimplyHired is also the job board that both LinkedIN and Facebook link to. It’s THAT good.
Peter Weedle, who does an annual survey of the top job boards, not only listed it as one of the top general purpose job boards, but in an interview, described participant comments like "SimplyHired is hands-down by far the best job board on the Web.”
Monday, May 19, 2008
Do you Recognize These Early Warning Signs of an Egocentric Resume?
Do you have an Egocentric Resume? What’s an Egocentric resume, you ask?
Egocentrism – defined by Wikipedia as a) the incomplete differentiation of the self and the world, including other people and b) the tendency to perceive, understand and interpret the world in terms of the self. The term derives from the Greek ego, meaning "I". An egocentric person has no theory of mind, cannot "put himself in other people's shoes," and believes everyone sees what he sees (or that what he sees in some way exceeds what others see.)
So based on Wikipedia’s definition, an Egocentric Resume is a resume you’ve written for yourself as the audience. It makes you feel good. It should – you’ve written an autobiography and probably summed it up in a page or two.
Egocentric Resumes take different forms. Some give vast amounts of detail about management or projects that the writer was most proud of. Others are understated, stating “just the facts, m’aam.” Still others are full of puffery and overly self promoting, but often about accomplishments that are less important to hiring managers.
There’s one major problem with Egocentric Resumes … they usually don’t cover what interests the audience.
For example, I recently helped a friend with her resume. This woman is brilliant and engaging, a part time freelance writer published in major magazines, who spent much of her career as a restaurant manager. She egocentrically described how she managed, hired and trained staff. After hours of dragging information out of her with a pair of pliers (ok, I’m exaggerating a little), I discovered many amazing things she had achieved. While the manager of a single location, she developed and implemented a new revenue channel program for her major national restaurant chain that increased their annual corporate revenues by 20%!
Now she wants to apply her skills and recent education in health fields. Regardless of the industry or job she’s applying for, don’t you think increasing national revenues by 20% would interest employers, giving her an edge to overcome real-world health experience? But because she didn’t think it was rocket science, she left it off her resume. This is just one example of individual brilliance, left off client resumes because the accomplishment didn’t fit the candidate’s self perception, regardless of how incredible the achievement was.
Imagine that! You’ve spent many hours finely crafting your resume, getting 10 different and conflicting comments from 10 different people, had it proofed 3 times … and then you wake up and realize it’s written to stroke your own ego, and misses the information that’s relevant to hiring managers.
Congratulations! If you’ve actually realized this, you’re ahead of the game. Most job seekers don’t recognize their own ego, and remain frustrated with today’s changed hiring system. Others accept underemployment, largely due to a resume that doesn’t adequately communicate their skills.
Ok, ok, I admit it! I’ve got an Egocentric Resume. Stop twisting the knife and HELP ME!! Now what do I do?
Glad you asked…you’ll probably want the opposite of an Egocentric Resume, one that is written for the perspective of your resume’s 4 audiences. Let’s call it an Altruistic Resume, the anti-Egocentric Resume. Since I’ve already covered writing for these audiences in depth, I’ll summarize, and give references to the detail. As a bonus, I’ll give detail on writing for Hiring Managers, and give still greater detail via link.
Audience #1 – Make your resume database friendly through Resume Search Optimization. Write your resume like it’s a web page to be found by a Google search. This means writing an infinitely modifiable, one time use resume. For more details, see Resume Search Optimization.
Audience #2 – Make your resume stand out to HR in just 15 seconds, because that’s all you get on average. Learn how to effectively use Resume Real Estate, club the reviewer over the head with your relevant skills, and grab the HR reviewer by the collar so you go in the interview pile, all in 15 seconds.
Audience #3 – Hiring Managers want subject matter experts, not generalists. The best way to demonstrate subject matter expertise is to show you’ve already solved the company’s (or department’s or hiring manager’s) problems in past jobs. Show you’ve Created Employer Value. How can you show that? Research and network to gain insight into that area’s problems and opportunities. Once you can guess at problems and opportunities, show your achievements, and how you’ve accomplished them (hint…pick achievements that demonstrate you solving your target company’s problems). Make it active and numeric…I saved X% by doing Y. I increased sales by X% by doing Y. Using verbs like Managed, Collaborated, Participated in, shows that others achieved, not you. Make your resume altruistic, and give your reader what they want….results.
Audience #4 – To appeal to the Hiring Manager’s boss & peers, network into the company through informational interviews to gain an understanding of communication style, culture, and what’s important to peers and managers. Incorporate this in your writing style.
My recruiter friends claim there’s a 5th Audience….of course, Recruiters. And I guess they’re right. Recruiters are somewhere between Audience #2 & #3, depending on experience. Great recruiters understand their clients, their culture, and the hard and soft skills they are looking for. Recruiters who can think like the hiring manager are like Audience #3. Less experienced recruiters are more like the HR screeners of Audience #2.
So will you look at your resume from the readers’ point of view and make yours an Altruistic Resume?
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
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Who's Hiring - Top employers week of 12-28-09
A Job Seekers Letter To Santa
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Friday, May 16, 2008
See How Easily You can Master Non-Verbal Interviewing
In Interview in a Snap, I discussed research that found that hiring decisions are made within the first 30 seconds of an interview…perhaps as short as just 2 seconds. The rest of the interview just served to justify the hiring manager’s initial impression.
Was that shocking to anyone else?
That led me to wonder, how can a candidate influence the first few seconds of an interview, and quickly become the favored candidate?
So I talked to a few experts in workplace Non-Verbal Communications, who gave some fascinating comments about how to make an instant connection upon walking into a room, and passing the 2 second interview test with flying colors.
Mike Murray, Author of Forget the Parachute, Let Me Fly the Plane stated that “Most hiring managers don’t understand how they hire, because we have no concept of our own bias. Humans have a fundamental attribution error…we often don’t understand what motivates us to an action.”
What Mike is describing, the rest of us call “Gut Feel”, and it’s all established based on Non-Verbal Communications. While we don’t always understand what motivates our “Gut Feel”, we usually follow it.
Based on research, you only get between 2-30 seconds to form those “Gut Feel” impressions with the interviewer. So how can a job seeker establish rapport with a hiring manager in the first 2-30 seconds? It’s all about mastering Non-Verbal Communications, which establishes trust, likability, & rapport almost instantaneously.
So what can you do in the first 2 seconds to instantly Non-Verbally Communicate that you’re the best person for the job?
Karen Rothstein, Non-Verbal communications coach with Transformation by Design, suggested “The biggest thing you can do within the first few seconds is to adopt a Physiology of Confidence”. Karen suggests the best way to exude confidence is through preparation. Karen advised “ Visualize a time when you were at the top of your game, and remember how that felt. Practice that feeling, and then visualize that time just before you go into the front door of your target company.” Feel confident, and you’ll be confident.
What can you do in the first 15 seconds to slay the interview?
Mike Murray has additional ideas. Mike suggested “Most hiring managers want to hire someone like themselves. The first thing you can do is to look like you already work at your target company. Dress like them. Do some research and ask other employees about the company. Look at the brochures, press releases and website. How do people dress? What are the employees like?”
Mike even recommended reconnaissance - by going to the lunch place closest to your target company, and watch people who come in. Strike up a conversation if you can, or just watch, paying attention to how people talk and what they are wearing. The closest bar for happy hour may work also, or just stopping into the office at the reception area – just notice the first few employees that are in the lobby.
So after you’ve done your reconnaissance or pre-networking (think LinkedIN and/or Facebook) to ask about the culture and office attire, you’re prepared to look like you’re already an employee. This goes a long way to establishing rapport, by blending in and causing the hiring manager to think “Wow, this person already looks like they work here”.
What can you do in the first 30 seconds to own the interview?
Mike then suggests “After you’ve established rapport, build upon it with mirroring. Keep your energy level comparable to the interviewer. Adopt similar posture, gestures, and tone. Even breathe at the same pace, by watching how their shoulders rise and fall, and copying their breathing pattern.”
If you really want to ace the interview, do some research on the hiring manager, to find out what they are like. I’ll do a later article on that topic, as it’s more involved.
Finally, eye contact is critical. Keeping eye contact when you first approach an interviewer and shake hands gives non-verbal cues of confidence and trustworthiness. Keeping eye contact when you are being asked questions gives non-verbal cues of listening skills. And finally, keeping eye contact while answering reinforces the answer, builds rapport, and reinforces trust.
But also evaluate the company’s Non-Verbal Communications to see if you want to work for the company or hiring manager. How the company communicates to you non-verbally will help you make a good choice of companies and opportunities.
Keep in mind that your goal is to:
1) Find a problem that you are uniquely qualified to solve
2) Make sure that you WANT to solve problems for this company
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Stop Writing Cover Letters and You’ll Get MORE Interviews
Most people have been taught paper-based resume strategies, that encourage writing a static resume and customizing with a cover letter. But this strategy doesn’t work in today’s world of digital resumes.
I know it’s counterintuitive, and goes against everything you were taught, but it’s true. I’ll prove it to you with one sentence.
Employers strip cover letters, before adding resumes to their database. So when a company searches for key words, or does word matches to find the best resume, they have already digitally thrown out your cover letter.
Still a fan of cover letters? Read on….
Employers realized just after 9/11 that they could find many micro-targeted resumes by loading resumes into their own HR database, and key-word searching. By doing this, they could get 20-30 very close matches, and not have to read through the other thousand resumes who may or may not be qualified.
Employers set up systems to reward candidates who customize their resume to fit the exact words in the job description they post. And employers required line managers to scan ALL resumes through HR databases, in order to accumulate EEOC statistics. In public companies, these procedures have become part of SOX and it’s audited, with negative repercussions for those who cut corners.
While networking to find a job can help, it still doesn’t keep you out of the HR database, nor change the fact that cover letters aren’t an effective way to customize your resume. If you’re applying to a really small company, or the hiring manager is your next door neighbor, you might skate by.
Sometimes a cover letter is required by the employer. In that case, make your cover letter basic and static. Put all the meat and customization in your resume, because that’s what will sell you and get searched.
What if the company asks you to tell why you’re perfect for that job in the cover letter? Just say no….don’t do it. Instead, tell the employer why you’re perfect in the resume, by demonstrating how you’ve already solved the problems that department faces today.
If companies digitally search for experience details within your resume, and expect your resume to show why you’re a perfect fit…..
…Why are you wasting all that time on cover letters, when you could be customizing your resume?
If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
You Don’t Have to be Shakespeare to Write a ResuBlog
First, what in the world is a ResuBlog? And why would I need one? No one else does?
It’s just what it sounds like – a mashup of a Resume and Blog. That’s exactly why you need one, because few others use ResuBlogs.
Need a reason to start a ResuBlog?…here’s 5:
- Google Rankings – Good blogs can get the author ranked page 1 of Google. Want proof? Search for my name on Google & Yahoo. Blogs and social networks in combination got me 5 first page listings.
- Subject Matter Expertise – The single fastest way to promote your subject matter expertise is to write about it. Tell your war stories.
- Networking – Blogging makes you the expert. People seek the advice of experts. And other bloggers are big online networkers.
- Conversation – A blog isn’t just your pulpit, it’s a conversation. Employers can reach you through your blog, and have a reason to comment. Companies have a reason to tell you about their problems. Wait a second…Aren’t you looking for problems that you’re uniquely qualified to solve?
- Differentiation – So few job seekers blog, it makes you stand out – when everyone else sends out a personal biography, you’re describing industry expert solutions to business problems.
It’s so easy, you don’t even need a website. The two leading blog providers Blogger & Wordpress can host for you. You don’t have to know a thing about programming, as Blogger & Wordpress make it pretty automated for you (Blogger is easier). Or if you want to heavily personalize, Blogs give you a chance to show off your design and programming skills.
Pick a blog name that reflects your expertise. Calling your blog “Billy Bob’s Blognation” might sound cool to you, but it won’t give your readers a clue about your content.
But I’m not a writer, how am I going to blog?
No worries…there’s so much content already on the web, you can be a publisher instead. A publisher takes other author’s content, and makes their own collection of articles on their own blog. If you want to get fancy, put comments before the articles, to review them. Even if you don’t write original content, as a blog publisher, it makes you an expert on the blog’s content. Just make sure you ask permission first, then give credit to the original author and blog, or copy the links into your blog article. Not all blog authors wish to have their content republished, so ask first.
Be specific – think long tail
Don’t write about the trials and tribulations of being a controller. As gripping as the stories about reconciling accounts might be, it’s tough to stand out. Instead, write about cost saving efforts in your industry. Don’t just tell your war stories…interview your peers and tell THEIR stories. Interview your peers’ bosses and tell their stories.
Wait a second….when you’re interviewing your peer’s boss, you’ll want to send that CFO a link to your ResuBlog (that contains your digital RESUME), so they’ll see who’s interviewing them. Encourage them to tell their friends! That gets you more readers, more content, and more people seeing your resume in your ResuBlog!
Have an opinion – Take a stand
A blog’s no time to be shy…you’re the boss of your own blog. Take a stand, have a strong opinion. What if people disagree? Let them….having a healthy dialogue and even disagreement on a blog can be very entertaining for your readers.
Don’t forget - Attach your Subject Matter Expert Resume! Back up your subject matter expertise with your experience.
Let’s review:
You can stand out from the competition, get listed front page of Google, you have an excuse to interview hiring managers and discover their challenges, and get your ResuBlog in front of many hiring managers…and you don’t have to write If you aren’t comfortable being an author.
What are you waiting for??
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
Related Articles:
Would You Stop Looking for a Job Already?
Networking Wedding Crashers – Be the Only One Like You in the Room
For access to more information:
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Join Career Change Central on Linkedin:
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Who needs Generalists Anymore?
So what does this mean for job seekers? It means Subject Matter Experts Rule!
So why did this change? Remember, back in the day, when employers wanted generalists? Well rounded employees that could adapt to anything?
From 2000-2001, a “perfect storm” of events all combined to change employer demands for subject matter expertise. Consider this…during that time period, all of the following happened:
- The majority of resumes were delivered online
- CareerBuilder, Monster dramatically increased membership of job seekers
- Numerous other job boards grew in popularity
- The majority of company web sites now housed expanded Career sections. The majority of large and mid-sized companies were listing all of their jobs on their websites.
- Advertised jobs were now drawing hundreds, in some cases thousands, of resumes for each position
- Proliferation of inexpensive home internet connections
- Reasonably priced Human Resource Information Systems were implemented to manage the flood of resumes companies were receiving electronically
- Hiring of consultants for small projects became widely popularized, as timely project completion became mission critical
- Companies were careful not to add headcount during a recession.
- The distinction between employees and contractors became blurred as more subject matter experts chose to work as independent consultants
- Subject matter experts were suddenly available due to a recession
This perfect storm of events allowed Hiring Managers to micro-target multiple criteria in job searches, allowing them to search for subject matter expertise. And since a post 9/11 recession was underway, there was a great deal of specialized talent available.
So why did Hiring Managers begin to favor subject matter experts? Because they could.
And Hiring Managers over the past 7 years now have gotten used to and expect Subject Matter Expertise.
But strangely enough, most job seekers haven’t gotten used to living in a Subject Matter Expert world. Most still describe themselves as generalists, and write resumes to look like they can do all things for all people.
But as Seth comments …“When choice is limited, I want a generalist. When selection is difficult, a jack of all trades is just fine. But whenever possible, please bring me a brilliant specialist.”
Bet Seth in the end, why did you cave? You added a PS the next day, stroking the generalists in your audience who complained, and gave the irrelevant reference that Leonardo was a generalist. That was in the 15th Century, where Leonardo was considered a Subject Matter Expert, the best in the world….just in many things. Then again, people like Leonardo daVinci just don’t come around every day, and in today’s world, could you afford Leonardo’s salary or hourly rate?
So which do you want to be today…a generalist, or a specialist?
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (, and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
Monday, May 12, 2008
Top 30 Job Boards (Canadian) (IT) (Hotel, Hospitality) (Healthcare Jobs and Social Network) (Hispanic & bilingual) (Veterans) (Senior Level Executive)
The (Senior Level Executive) (Contract, Temp) (Senior Level Executive) (Hourly)