
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Secret To Getting Simply Hired

This is the job board that most recruiters won’t recommend. It’s THAT good.

SimplyHired is also the job board that both LinkedIN and Facebook link to. It’s THAT good.

Peter Weedle, who does an annual survey of the top job boards, not only listed it as one of the top general purpose job boards, but in an interview, described participant comments like "SimplyHired is hands-down by far the best job board on the Web.”

SimplyHired’s mission is to be the biggest job board on the planet. Even though SimplyHired started behind CareerBuilder and Monster, they’ve leapfrogged to be one of the top job sites on the net, listing over 5M jobs. SimplyHired does this by crawling and gaining submissions from thousands of other job boards and corporate websites…so SimplyHired is the aggregator of aggregators. SimplyHired not only crawls the majors, but it gives promotion to companies and smaller boards, by taking their feeds and listing their jobs.

These guys have a sense of humor. Let’s face it, most people would rather do their taxes than search for a new job. SimplyHired realizes this and tries to make the process a little less painful, by making a very easy to use interface. SimplyHired claims they build “…solutions that make sense to your mom, your uncle, your teenager, and even your dog…” Wow - smart doggie!

In addition to a single source for jobs, SimplyHired also offers some of the best job tools on the planet. SimplyHired interfaces with LinkedIN as its first API, allowing you to see if your old drinking buddy from your first job 20 years ago might be your boss at the firm you’re targeting. You know how LinkedIN has a tool that allows you to superimpose your contacts (out to a 3rd degree of Kevin Bacon) over CareerBuilder and Monster ads…they expanded this to SimplyHired – and simply hired has many times more jobs listed than either of the other two. I used this tool and found the guy who first hired me from undergrad – who’s now the CFO of a fast growing, midsized public company.

You know when you click on the jobs tab of LinkedIN? Guess who’s job board they connect to? You guessed it…SimplyHired. Facebook connects to SimplyHired also.

Other Job Search 2.0 tools include candidate ratings of jobs. Imagine that! The job you think is your dream job is rated a dog by 95 other candidates. Maybe you’re more excited about the little start up given a high ranking by 6 people.

SimplyHired gives you lots of ways to slice and dice their job database. You can filter by Job Type, Education level, Experience Level, Company size, or ranking (Fortune 500, Working Mother 100, Forbes 100, Minority rankings, etc.).

SimplyHired has some brilliant add on functions, that give amazing market insight. EmploymentTrends allows you to graph the % of total jobs on SimplyHired by keyword combination over the past 6 months. Check out Ditch Your Crystal Ball for the detailed review of EmploymentTrends I did back in April.

SimplySalary allows you to compare your salary to averages of jobs listing the same keywords, with salary information provided by You can use this in career planning to determine skills you want, or in salary negotiations to determine if your salary demands are in line with the market.

LocalJobs give local search tools that go beyond just job listings by city or zip. With LocalJobs, you can actually map where jobs are located on Google Maps. This great mashup tool is invaluable in helping job seekers figure out their commute, or how close a prospective job is to their house, daycare, or kids school. LocalJobs pulls information from Wikipedia and other sources to give economic and demographic information right there on your job board, so you don’t have to search Google only to find out that Cleveland is about the same size as Mesa AZ and ½ the size of Motown. LocalJobs lists the largest cities by population, but also Highest Job Growth (Myrtle Beach, SC), Lowest Unemployment Rate (Overland Park, KS), Highest Average Income (Pleasanton, CA), Lowest Average Home Cost (Youngstown, OH – less than a Lexus), Most Racially Diverse (Motown), and Shortest Average Commute (NOT Chicago…wait, it’s Wichita Falls, TX at 13 seconds – or is that minutes?). Now you’re not just searching for a job, you’re practicing for Trivial Pursuit!

SimplyHired gives company research tools, just like most major job boards. But they also have forums…discussion boards where job seekers can exchange information, experiences, hints, and even find ex (or current) employees of the target company.

Where else can you find all this plus over 5M jobs all in one place? Try SimplyHired and compare it to your current search boards, and see how you supercharge your job search.

If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.

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