
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Best Job Search Tools On Linkedin 2010 - Page 4

Best Linkedin Job Search Tools #7 - #9 - Advanced Job Search Tools

  1. Linkedin JobsInsider: Linkedin JobsInsider is jaw dropping. Amazing. It downloads into your browser, and is a brilliant use of technology mashups.

    After you download – and then go on to some of the top job boards, pull up a job (Indeed, SImplyHired, Monster, CareerBuilder, Dice, HotJobs and a number of others). Linkedin JobsInsider will overlay contacts from your Linkedin network who work at that company. So you can contact people for informational interviews, to find out more about the employer, and network your way to the hiring manager….bypassing HR.

    Are you saying WOW yet? I did when I first used it.

    Find the link at the bottom of your Linkedin home page and look for the Browser Toolbar, listed under Tools. You’ll be sent to a download page, that gives you instructions to load the Toolbar, (which contains Linkedin JobsInsider) into your browser. It will appear as a part of your browser’s toolbar after installation.

    After you’re loaded up, use Linkedin Jobsinsider with many of the most popular job boards. Linkedin continues to build support for additional job sites to on an ongoing basis.

    Whenever you view a job listing on a known job site, the JobsInsider opens up in a side pane in your browser. In the JobsInsider, you will automatically see your inside connections to the company whose job you are looking at. These inside connections can help you get hired for the job through informational interviews or by introducing you directly to the hiring manager. Here’s a guide on how to approach company insiders to make the most of the opportunity -

  2. Jobs Tab: At the top of any Linkedin page, you see a Jobs Tab. By clicking it, you’ll have access to simple and advanced search tools that connect to SimplyHired, a job board aggregator.

    SimplyHired crawls thousands of other job boards and aggregates listings into a central site. SimplyHired claims they have the most jobs on the planet (Indeed may have more some weeks). You’ll get a very broad view of job postings from the major boards, Craigslist, and many niche boards.

    Not only does SimplyHired crawl the net for new job boards, it encourages job boards to submit feeds - to list new jobs on smaller sites quickly. SimplyHired not only pulls jobs from job boards, but also company web pages, online classifieds and other data sources.

  3. Integration with job boards: SimplyHired has partnered with both Linkedin and Facebook to integrate job search with online networking. For instance, clicking "Who do I know?" will instantly reveal whether your old cube-mate and drinking buddy back at that awful job you had 10 years ago ... is now the hiring manager for the job you want. In a broader sense, it works in a similar way to the Linkedin JobsInsider feature, but it's even easier to use.

    See more about SimplyHired integration with Linkedin in this article (about Facebook, but also details Linkedin integration):

    Here are more ideas about using job boards and Linkedin together to access the “hidden job market”

  4. Outlook toolbar: If you’re searching for a job, would it help you to see details of people you’ve communicated with? Would it help to connect with them to gain access to their networks? Would it help to see if they know anyone at your target companies?

    Of course it’s valuable.

    Again, this is can be found by clicking the Tools link at the bottom of any Linkedin page. Download the add-on to Outlook. Then the next time you fire up Outlook, See what happens when you hover or click the little “in” boxes near your contact names. You can easily see profiles, networks, and can click through to invite people that you’ve communicated with to Link to you ... an easy and effective way to build your network.
( Continued ... Best Linkedin Jobs Search Tools #10 - #13: Even More Advanced Job Search Tools )

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