
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Best Job Search Tools On Linkedin 2010 - Page 3

Best Linkedin Job Search Tools #5 & #6 - Intermediate Job Search Tools

  1. Linkedin Advanced Search: Click People on the top Linkedin tab, and use the Advanced search features to find hiring managers with specific titles, specific companies, industries, geography, or skill sets.

    Let’s say you’re a Controller in Boston looking for work – you probably want to talk to CFOs and VPs of Finance. Search for the key words CFO and segment by only listing contacts that are close to Boston.

    Maybe you’re a Java developer in Minneapolis. You probably want to see which other companies are Java shops, and maybe find some Project Managers or Directors of Application Development. Search for Java and segment by searching close to Minneapolis. Take your list of Java shops as your Target company list.

    Maybe you’re a Manufacturing Manager for an Auto OEM, and you’re open to move. Search for OEM, under the industry dropdown Automotive, and see what companies appear. Then individually search those companies one by one to see who
    is likely to be close to your prospective hiring manager. With a reasonably sized database and Linkedin Advanced search, you can find Kevin Bacon or Elvis.

  2. Recruiter search: It used to be difficult to find the right recruiters in your industry, job function, and geography. Since every recruiter worth his/her salt is on Linkedin, finding the right recruiters is as simple as a search. Here’s some hints on what to do once you’ve found a few to contact:
( Continued ... Best Linkedin Jobs Search Tools #7 - #9: Advanced Job Search )

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