
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Best Job Search Tools On Linkedin 2010 - Page 2

Linkedin has a number of tools that are less than apparent to users who aren’t yet power users. Since many Linkedin users don’t devote much time to the site until they start searching for a job, there are a lot of users who haven’t discovered all that Linkedin can do to help their search.

Many companies charge hundreds of dollars for this insight - here’s the best of it, for the best price - free.

Consider this your cheat sheet and guide to Linkedin job search. I’m assuming the reader has already figured out how to set up an account on Linkedin.

Best Linkedin Job Search Tools #1 - #4

    The Basics - Helping Others Find You:

  1. Profile: This article isn’t meant to teach you how to write a profile, but a well written profile is a great tool to help employers and recruiters find you. Unfortunately, most profiles aren’t well suited to this purpose. Here’s some help:

  2. Advanced profile: Linkedin now allows users to reorganize whole sections of their profile, to better highlight what’s important to employers and recruiters. Here’s some help:

  3. Social Branding: Your Linkedin profile is the center of a job seekers’ social brand, or the impression you make online. For 20 ways to brand yourself using Linkedin, see

  4. Google loves Linkedin: Your profile may be the first things an employer may see when performing a Google search on you. Yes, most employers do Google searches before making an offer, as part of employment due dilligence. For more information on Google and how Linkedin affects it, see

( Continued ... Best Linkedin Jobs Search Tools #5 & #6: Intermediate Job Search )

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