
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Best Job Search Tools On Linkedin 2010 - Page 5

Best Linkedin Jobs Search Tools #10 - #13: Even More Advanced Job Search Tools

  1. Company follow Linkedin company follow allows you to track changes at your target companies. Who’s leaving the company that could be a great source of information? Who’s new at the company that could be building teams? What types of roles is the company hiring? What types of functions is the company getting rid of?

    Company follow is a great way to use Linkedin to explore the “hidden job market” - many experts estimate that 80% of hiring is through the hidden job market and is never advertised. It’s harder to find these opportunities, but once you do, they are a lot less competitive. Linkedin company follow is a great way to see insight into this hidden market and who to contact to find out more. For a complete guide on using Linkedin company follow, see

  2. Linkedin Groups & Answers These are great ways to learn who the insiders in your industry are. Who are the “hubs” in .net development, in accounting, and in PR? You’ll find them in Groups and Answers. Their networks likely contain a wealth of information and people you’ll want to contact. Plus, if you help them with something, they are likely to be happy to help you in return. See for more about hubs.

    Linkedin Groups and answers also give you the ability to build your own social brand by starting conversations, commenting on other conversations, asking and answering questions. In other words - by sharing your knowledge, you become more recognized for your knowledge. Check out the membership of some of the industry groups, and you’ll notice a lot of recruiters. Hmmmm...wonder what industry they recruit for? What would recruiters be doing in a non-recruiter group anyways? Since I haven’t yet written a guide for Linkedin groups - use my Facebook groups as a guide (there are some differences, but the basics are the same) at

    For some specific features of Linkedin groups that allow you to follow “hubs” see

  3. Job Seeker Premium: This is Linkedin’s fee based service directed at job seekers. If you’ve already implemented steps #1 through #11 and want even more help from Linkedin’s tools, Linkedin’s Job Seeker Premium provides some advantages, including being listed at the top of employer searches and additional ways to contact other Linkedin users outside of your network. It’s a good value for additional; features, once you’ve already harnessed all the free features of Linkedin first. See for a more complete listing of what Linkedin’s Job Seeker Premium tools can do for you.

  4. How to use all this information to it’s maximum advantage: Please don’t use all this great info just to ask who to send your resume to. Please don’t use this inside contact knowledge just to ask if a company is hiring. HR can provide that information - asking your contacts is a missed opportunity (and potentially a waste of your contact’s valuable time).

    Instead, be a company anthropologist. Contacts at your target companies can help you understand the problems a company is having, new areas of growth, new executive and senior managers who are building their own teams. You can gain an understanding of company fit, company internal language, and hiring manager personality - doing this valuable research before you make contact or send a resume. See

After all that, have you learned any new innovative ways to use Linkedin in your job search?

Readers - have you found other job search tools in Linkedin that I haven’t mentioned? Please share and comment below.

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