
Monday, June 18, 2007

See How Easily You can Master Non-Verbal Interviewing: Best of reCareered - Page 2

What The Experts Say:

So I talked to a few experts in workplace Non-Verbal Communications, who gave some fascinating comments about how to make an instant connection upon walking into a room, and passing the 2 second interview test with flying colors.

Mike Murray, Author of Forget the Parachute, Let Me Fly the Plane stated that “Most hiring managers don’t understand how they hire, because we have no concept of our own bias. Humans have a fundamental attribution error…we often don’t understand what motivates us to an action.”

What Mike is describing, the rest of us call “gut feel”, and it’s all established based on Non-Verbal Communications. While we don’t always understand what motivates our “gut feel”, we usually follow it.

Based on research, you only get between 2-30 seconds to form those “gut feel” impressions with the interviewer. So how can a job seeker establish rapport with a hiring manager in the first 2-30 seconds? It’s all about mastering Non-Verbal Communications, which establishes trust, likability, & rapport almost instantaneously.

So what can you do in the first 2 seconds to instantly Non-Verbally Communicate that you’re the best person for the job?

Karen Rothstein, Non-Verbal communications coach with Transformation by Design, suggested “The biggest thing you can do within the first few seconds is to adopt a Physiology of Confidence”. Karen suggests the best way to exude confidence is through preparation. Karen advised “ Visualize a time when you were at the top of your game, and remember how that felt. Practice that feeling, and then visualize that time just before you go into the front door of your target company.” Feel confident, and you’ll be confident.

( Continued ... What Can You Do In The First 15 Seconds? )

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