
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Resume vs Profile: Which should job seekers send? - Page 3

When To Use A Profile:

Use your Linkedin profile when you:
  • Want to make a first impression - Social Branding
  • Network - In person or online
  • Seek an introduction
  • Research a company
  • Search for additional contacts within a company or industry
  • Seek informational interviews
  • Seek a phone conversation
  • Seek to expand your industry influence
  • Attempt to learn more about a company’s problems and issues
  • Have not yet built a relationship and are still premature to ask for a job
  • Passively job searching
  • Encourage others to find you

When To Use Your Resume:

Use your resume when you:
  • Directly ask a hiring manager, HR, or recruiter for an interview
  • Seek to customize your accomplishments, skills, and experience to fit a company’s needs
  • Seek to expand your “findability” on Google searches
  • Send your resume blindly without prior contact (don’t expect good results from this tactic)
  • Formally apply for a job
  • Seek to get into a recruiter’s database

You should be able to see that Linkedin profiles and resumes are each effective for different purposes. Knowing when to use each one, and the different power that each can provide your search is one key to getting what you want in your job search.

How do you decide whether to send your Linkedin profile or your resume?

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