
Sunday, June 3, 2007

Facebook Becomes Job Search Engine - page 3

Setting up SimplyHired integration with Facebook:

It's relatively easy, but there are a number of options ...
  1. From SimplyHired's home page: At the bottom of SimplyHired's home page, you'll see "Find jobs at your friends' companies" and a Facebook login button. Click to login using Facebook, give your screen name and password, and approve SimplyHired to use your Facebook information.
  2. From Job Search listing page: Just above your job search results, click on "Who Do I know?" or the Facebook Logo to login. Linkedin login is right there also.
  3. From Settings: If you are logged into SimplyHired using your email account, you can then click settings at the top right corner. The Settings page has a section "Who Do I Know" with links to sign in using Facebook and Linkedin.
  4. Save your login: If you've logged in to SimplyHired using your email address, you can save your settings and SimplyHired password. Saving your settings & password brings up your account the next time you go to SimplyHired, and it should automatically log you into Facebook and Linkedin if you've allowed these integrations.

There are a number of ways Facebook/SH integration can be helpful to job seekers. Some are obvious, others a little less apparent.

Ways to use Facebook integration on SimplyHired:

  1. Home page: When you're logged in to Facebook, your SimplyHired home page will give suggestions on finding jobs at your friend's companies.

  2. Search for Facebook friends at a target company, job function, or industry: After you're logged in to Facebook through SimplyHired, just search for a company name (function or industry). SimplyHired lists both available jobs and your Facebook friends at that company.

  3. List your Facebook Friends and their companies: Run a standard SimplyHired search for a job, and if you're logged in to Facebook, a box containing friends names and pictures will appear at the top of your screen. on the bottom margin of that box, click "See More Friends' Companies" and then click "See All". You'll be directed to a screen that Titled "Where Your Friends Work" which lists:

    • Facebook friends listed by company
    • Facebook friends listed alphabetically by name, with company name as a second line
    • Fun Facts, which lists Facebook friends at companies you've "Liked", Most popular companies in your network, and most popular cities in your network
I expect that this is just a start to additional uses for Facebook's social graph integration with job search boards. Hopefully, additional uses will be created to make it easier for job seekers to find opportunities, and be found by recruiters, HR reps, and hiring managers.

Finally, here's a video from SimplyHired that presents an overview of how Facebook integration works:

How will you use SimplyHired's new integration with Facebook?

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Related Articles: The Secret To Getting Simply Hired
Job Seekers - 20 Ways To Brand Yourself On Facebook

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