Thursday, July 22, 2010

When Do I Bring Up Salary? Job search question of the week

Recently, a friend asked for advice about when she should bring up salary during a first interview. I answered - You shouldn’t bring it up at all. So when should you bring up salary?

Never. Never ever.

My friend asked “Well how will I know if the job is right for me, if I don’t know about the salary?”

I answered ... How will you know if the job is right for you if you scare the employer away? Wouldn't it make more sense to see if they want to hire you before you worry about salary?

Bite your tongue, your cheek, bite whatever you have to bite, just avoid asking the salary question.

( Continued ... Why you want to avoid bringing up salary at all costs )

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Unknown said...


You've a nice blog. Currently the market has started to look up and folks are starting up to have jobs. Yet, many are confused whether they are getting the correct salary. They can confirm this by examining their salaries through on the net tools. One such internet site to compare salary mechanical engineers and other professionals is

Anonymous said...


You have nice blog. Several individuals these days do not know whether they are obtaining appropriate salary for their profession. To be clear one can check on the net wage comparison websites to know what other corporations provide for the same position. For instance to compare salary of an analyst one can just type analyst salary in a salary comparison website like