
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Which Are More Effective In A Resume? Paragraphs vs Bullets

Most people write their resumes in paragraphs - because most candidates write their resume as an autobiography, rather than from the reader’s point of view. It’s a big reason otherwise qualified candidates get passed over for positions they are qualified for. This article explains why paragraphs don’t work, why candidates still use them, and how to create bullets that make your background stand out and scream “hire me”.

About 75% of the resumes I see are comprised of paragraphs, and about 90% have paragraphs in at least one section (and usually the worst section for paragraphs). Let’s examine why paragraphs are no longer effective in a resume, why the majority of candidates still use them, and more effective ways to present your key information other than paragraphs ...

( Continued ... Why Aren’t Paragraphs Effective Anymore? )

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