
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Avoiding The “Send Me Your Resume” Trap

A client of mine was thrilled when he met the president of a high growth local company at a conference and was invited to send a resume. I advised him to resist sending in a resume immediately, but to wait instead. Learn why waiting can help you maximize the impact of an invitation to apply for a job ...

This client had met the president of a highly visible company at a conference. After speaking for a short while, the president invited him to submit his resume, while mentioning that the company was hiring. My client was ecstatic, incorrectly thinking that he had a job locked up.

At first he fought me when I suggested to wait before sending, because every instinct told him to do exactly what the company president suggested. Learn how I helped this client avoid a common job search trap ...

( Continued ... Why It’s A Trap and How To Avoid It )

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