
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

When The Job Ad Says Don't Call: Job search question of the week

What should you do when answering an ad that says “No Calls”?

When answering an ad that states “No Calls”, how can you learn enough inside information to differentiate your resume? Or should you just send a static resume, customized based on just the few details in the ad, hoping for the best?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Who’s Hiring - Top employers week of 8-30-10

Who's Hiring is a weekly survey of companies showing the highest hiring activity for the week of 8/30/10.

The business service, hospitality, telecommunications, banking, health care and retail are the top industries currently hiring based on a survey of active job advertisements from the nation’s leading job boards.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Who’s Firing - Layoffs week ended 8-27-10

Who's Firing summarizes weekly research of companies announcing and rumoring layoffs for the week ended 8-27-10.

For the past week government, defense, manufacturing, retail and distribution employers announced the largest layoffs.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Where The Coolest Jobs Hide

Where do you look for jobs?

Find out where the coolest jobs are hiding ...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Doesn’t HR (Recruiters & Hiring Managers) Follow Up? Job search question of the week

”Why don’t interviewers follow up anymore?” A reader emailed me this question earlier this week - it’s a common frustration of job seekers.

Video - One Thing I Know About Business #5: Cristiano Carlutti SVP Sales, Tesla Motors

Cristiano Carlutti, SVP Sales, Tesla Motors offers his best piece of business advice: "You have to understand the importance of customer relationships."

Register for free to see the video at:

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bringing Your Resume To Informational Interviews

You scored an informational interview with an influential manager at your target company. Should you bring a resume? Learn the pros and cons ...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Avoiding The “Send Me Your Resume” Trap

A client of mine was thrilled when he met the president of a high growth local company at a conference and was invited to send a resume. I advised him to resist sending in a resume immediately, but to wait instead. Learn why waiting can help you maximize the impact of an invitation to apply for a job ...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Who’s Hiring - Top employers week of 8-23-10

Who's Hiring is a weekly survey of companies showing the highest hiring activity for the week of 8/23/10.

The business service, hospitality, telecommunications, banking, health care and retail are the top industries currently hiring based on a survey of active job advertisements from the nation’s leading job boards.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Who’s Firing - Layoffs week ended 8-20-10

Who's Firing summarizes weekly research of companies announcing and rumoring layoffs for the week ended 8-20-10.

For the past week government, retail, aerospace, manufacturing and health care employers announced the largest layoffs.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Secret To Getting Simply Hired

SimplyHired is the job board that most recruiters won’t recommend. It’s that good.

SimplyHired is also the job board that both Linkedin and Facebook link to. Again, it’s that good.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How Do I Verify Spelling Of The Interviewer’s Name? Job search question of the week

”How do I verify the spelling of an interviewer’s name?” Job seeker J.W. emailed me this question today - it’s a common dilemma for job seekers. I’ve included a number of tips to help candidates verify the spelling of names.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ten Things To Do After You’ve Told All Your Friends

You’re between jobs, you’ve told all your friends, and you sent them all resumes – now what?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Build a Linkedin Profile That You Can Be Proud Of!

If you are looking for a job, you should count on employers looking for your Linkedin profile. Are you searching for a job with a bland or empty Linkedin profile? What does that say about you?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Who’s Hiring - Top employers week of 8-16-10

Who's Hiring is a weekly survey of companies showing the highest hiring activity for the week of 8/16/10.

The business service, hospitality, telecommunications, banking, retail and health care are the top industries currently hiring based on a survey of active job advertisements from the nation’s leading job boards.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Who’s Firing - Layoffs week ended 8-13-10

Who's Firing summarizes weekly research of companies announcing and rumoring layoffs for the week ended 8-13-10.

For the past week government, health care, automotive, retail, printing, and hospitality employers announced the largest layoffs.

Friday, August 13, 2010

You Never Get A Third Chance To Make A Second Impression

Most people treat first impressions as a random event, when it’s the single most important part of an interview. Instead, an interview first impression can be planned and managed to give the candidate higher chances of success.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Keywords Should I Use On My Resume? Job search question of the week

”What keywords should I use on my resume?” may be the top question I hear from candidates. It’s often surprising to job seekers: there’s an easy answer ... or an effective answer.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

July 2010 Employment Trends Ends Flat

At the end of July 2010, the major job sites released hiring data and analysis for the month, indicating flat results as compared to June. Today's article summarizes job reports from, and

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Who Else Wants To Add More Facebook Friends? Version 2010

One of the limiting factors of Facebook is that you only get one degree of separation, while Linkedin gives you 3 degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Who’s Hiring - Top employers week of 8-9-10

Who's Hiring is a weekly survey of companies showing the highest hiring activity for the week of 8/9/10.

The business service, telecommunications, hospitality, banking, retail and health care are the top industries currently hiring based on a survey of active job advertisements from the nation’s leading job boards.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Who’s Firing - Layoffs week ended 8-6-10

Who's Firing summarizes weekly research of companies announcing and rumoring layoffs for the week ended 8-6-10.

For the past week printing, defense, government, business service, transportation, and hospitality employers announced the largest layoffs.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Secret of Job Search Efficiency: Best of reCareered

Way way back in the year 2000, things changed.

They changed for the better for employers, but worse for most job seekers. Only the fortunate few who learned how to make these changes were able to make these changes work for them – and it gave them an Unfair Advantage. Sad thing is, this is still the state of today’s job markets.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New Logo - Comments, critiques, advice? We need your feedback!

As part of the design of reCareered, we are designing a new logo and tagline. The tagline is "Let's talk about jobs ... ", to emphasize the new discussion features that will differentiate reCareered. Thanks to a reader who developed the winning design above, from the logo design contest reCareered announced in March.

Is the logo design clear? Does it make you think about conversation? About jobs and careers? Any suggestions to improve how it looks or feels to you?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Elusive Hidden Job Market: 12 ways to find a hidden job

If you’ve read much about job search, you’ve likely read that experts suggest you tap the “hidden job market.” What is this hidden job market anyways and how can you find it if it’s hidden?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Outplacement vs Career Coaching: Which is right for you?

A recent comment on my Linkedin group revealed confusion in the difference between outplacement and career coaching. They aren’t the same thing, they serve different goals, and completely different sets of clients. Which one is right for you?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Who’s Hiring - Top employers week of 8-2-10

Who's Hiring is a weekly survey of companies showing the highest hiring activity for the week of 8/2/10.

The business service, telecommunications, hospitality, banking, health care and retail are the top industries currently hiring based on a survey of active job advertisements from the nation’s leading job boards.