
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Elusive Hidden Job Market: 12 ways to find a hidden job

If you’ve read much about job search, you’ve likely read that experts suggest you tap the “hidden job market.” What is this hidden job market anyways and how can you find it if it’s hidden?

Job search experts state that the hidden job market comprises 70-80% of the new hires today. confirmed this in a 2/3/10 press release, stating “Twenty-one percent (of new hires) found new jobs using online job boards.” Other job finders are discovering jobs through recruiters and good old newspaper ads. So where are the rest of the jobs hiding?

This article describe 12 steps to find the hidden job market ... and 3 more that may destroy your efforts (but most job seekers still use).

( Continued ... What’s The Hidden Job Market? )

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