
Friday, July 30, 2010

How To Get Your Dog A Job (You Too!)

The good life is about to change for my dog, because I’ve found how to put her to work. That’s right, your dog can earn his/her keep and help bring home the dog food.

My dog Tuanis (Costa Rican for “The Good Life”) is the sweetest, smartest dog I’ve ever owned. She lives to have her belly or ears scratched, is a wonderful doorbell, protects my home against unwanted junk mail and keeps our other dog Elwood in line. But mostly, she sleeps.

All that’s about to change, because it’s time for Tuanis to pull her weight around here, and start bringing home some bacon. So, sweet Tuanis, it’s time for you to get a job.

( Continued ... How You Can Find A Job Perfect For Your Dog )

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