
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Power Your Job Search With Email On Overdrive

I had the opportunity to speak with T.A. McCann, CEO of, to discuss how Gist’s free service can help job seekers. is a plug-in for major email applications and web based email, that mashes-up your contact list with information from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Google to give job seekers better information about the people they communicate with.

I started experimenting with Gist before I spoke with T.A., discovering that Gist can deliver tons of useful information in an easily digestible format, on the same screen as contact information.

( Continued ... What Is Gist & How Can You Use Gist In Your Job Search? )

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  1. I just read Phil's blog about Gist. I decided it sounded cool, and what I found after I signed up was too and way cool.

    It was very easy to set up my account, and upload my contacts. The Dashboard is really going to useful as it keeps track of your email conversations with your contacts.

    Thank you Phil! I can't believe this is a free service!


  2. I just read Phil's blog about Gist. I decided it sounded cool, and what I found after I signed up was too and way cool.

    It was very easy to set up my account, and upload my contacts. The Dashboard is really going to useful as it keeps track of your email conversations with your contacts.

    Thank you Phil! I can't believe this is a free service!


  3. It's an awesome service, long overdue.
