
Sunday, August 19, 2007

How Do I Verify Spelling Of The Interviewer’s Name? Job search question of the week - Page 2

J.W. shared a question about his job search, asking:

“I just had a phone interview with a recruiter and I think it went well.

I want to send the Recruiter a thank you letter. However, I am not sure of the spelling of the Recruiter's name.

How do candidates handle this situation? Can you provide any advice on this?”

Here are 6 ways to verify the spelling of the interviewer’s name:
  1. Get a business card: Don’t leave the interview without a business card. Even if you’ve written the interviewer’s name down - get their card.

  2. Google them: Google is a great dictionary. Google the name of the firm and the person’s first name (or part of their name). Many recruiters post job ads with their email as the contact - Google may turn these up.

  3. Check the company website: Some companies (esp. recruiters) will have a full directory of employees on their site.

  4. Search on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter: Especially effective for recruiters, as most use social networks and have profiles so candidates can find them.

  5. Search other online directories and social networks: Try Plaxo, ZoomInfo, Spoke, Jigsaw, Ning and others.

  6. Call: Call the main number, and get to a live person if an automated attendant answers. Tell the truth, that you interviewed and are trying to send thank you notes to people you spoke with - and you just need to confirm spelling of a name. Here are some hints at getting past an automated attendant:
Or you could just handle it like our friend Brennan ...

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