
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tweet Your Way to a Job - reCareered quoted at - Page 3

Be Exclusive and Natural
Mark Matson, a career coach and CEO of Matson Money Inc., a Cincinnati-based investment advisor firm, sees Twitter as part of "an overall social media strategy."
Matson has been an avid Twitter user for over a year. He uses his account to tweet commentary about current finance news and to keep his followers abreast of his latest Fox News appearances.

Part of his career coaching involves teaching financial advisors to how to use Twitter.

Top Tips:
  • Don't follow everyone: "The point is to have people in your community that know you and you know them -- there's so much garbage out there. I'd rather have 200 people that are important to what you're trying to create vs. 10,000 that don't care."
  • Be yourself: "A lot of finance professionals are kind of stodgy, old-school, but you only have a 140 characters, so you gotta find a way to get people's attention."

Sample tweet: Real companies don't hire people based on unsustainable government deficit spending? Who knew?
Twitter handle: @markmatson
Followers: 588

Original article at: Fins: Tweet Your Way To A Job by Sindhu Sundar

Page: <1> <2> <3>

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