
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tweet Your Way to a Job - reCareered quoted at - Page 2

What Are The Benefits And Pitfalls Of Tweeting For A Job?

At a time when personal branding is more crucial than ever in getting noticed during a job search, there are few better ways to promote yourself than to tap into a site designed for just that.

But beware of the possible pitfalls: Putting too much of yourself out there and compromising your professional reputation.

Below, three career coaches tell you how to get much of the benefit out of Twitter while minimizing your risk.

Keep it Professional
Jeanine Tanner "J.T." O'Donnell, founder of, Boston-based career-advice website, says, "I'm not gonna tell people I'm having a tuna fish sandwich. That's not who I am."
O'Donnell, a career coach and syndicated columnist, cautions against revealing too much of your personal life when tweeting for your career.

In a year of tweeting, O'Donnell gathered more than 22,000 followers and uses her following to promote her site and to network. More than a fifth of the Careerealism club members are financial professionals seeking jobs.

Top Tips:
  • Tweet at a reasonable rate: "You don't have to be tweeting 10 times a day, but you have to post content that shows you're on top of trends in your field," O'Donnell said.
  • Know whom to follow: "Follow 30 people in your field -- the movers and shakers -- list them, read them every day like a newspaper column, retweet them, and that person will see it and if they do, your twitter handle will stick with them, and this will get them following you back."
Sample tweet: 13 Reasons You Will Never Get a Job (Or, 13 Ways You Could): (by @colindaymude)
Handle: @careerealism
Followers: 22,569

Market Yourself
Phil Rosenberg, a Chicago-based Career Coach at, a career coaching web site, says of finance pros, "I describe them as left-brained baby boomers. They're better with logical and numerical skills than marketing skills. They don't understand how tools in social media can help them find other positions, network, promote and brand themselves."

Rosenberg, a former division director at international recruiter Robert Half, guides job seekers primarily in banking, operational finance and accounting through the maze of hashtags and retweets that would otherwise intimidate the uninitiated.

(FYI: Hashtags create search queries on Twitter around certain terms, like #Goldman. Retweets are simply Tweeting a second time what has already been Tweeted, virally spreading the word; Twitter users mark their retweets with the letters "RT" preceding the Tweet.)

Top Tip:
  • Use hashtags to refine your search within your specific industry: If you're a "passive" job seeker, this can be an especially useful way to furtively look for recruiters without blowing your cover with your current employer.
  • "Direct message [recruiters] -- connect with them privately. Social media can still be valuable to passive job seekers."
Sample tweet: 30 Things You Can Control In Your Job Search #career #job #jobseeker #jobsearch #pk
Handle: @philreCareered
Followers: 5,920

( Continued ... )

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