
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Achieve Enlightenment Through Networking Karma: Best of reCareered - Page 3

How Can You Achieve Networking Karma?

A job seeker can make this effective also. Go to networking events with a different goal in mind than looking for a job. If you recall my earlier article Would You Stop Looking For A Job Already? (, I wrote how job seekers are more effective if they stop searching for a job and start searching for problems to solve. Networking works the same way. If you search for problems you can solve at networking events, you do more than collect cards ... you build a fan base.

When you ask how you can help someone, you are searching for problems you can solve, even if your solution is referring someone to solve that problem. This type of referral not only wins you fans, but instantly builds your trustworthiness in the eyes of others. Try it at your next networking event, and see how it works.

But how can you make this work for online networking? When I send an initial email to someone I wish to connect with, I ask “How can I connect you to people you’d like to reach?” My profile on Linkedin and Facebook starts with “I’m a professional at helping. How can I help you?”, long before I describe my business. Why do I start this way? Because I’m looking for people to help.

Along the way, sometimes through people kind enough to refer me or point a career changer to this blog, the right clients find me. These are job seekers who believe in the job search strategies that I teach and who are willing to pay for my one-on-one help. I don’t want thousands of clients, because reCareered is set up to work personally with a small number of clients. I want to work with fans.

As a career changer, how can you adopt Networking Karma to your job search? Same way … build a fan base by helping people, connecting people, referring people. Don’t be surprised if good things start to happen. Not overnight, but how often does the perfect job materialize overnight? Now along the way, make sure your fans know you’re in career transition, and have seen your online profiles, ResuBlog, and online portfolio. I do this through my email signature block, and by referencing my online presence on Linkedin, Facebook, and this blog.

Thanks for reading ... How can I help you today?

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