
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Achieve Enlightenment Through Networking Karma: Best of reCareered - Page 2

How I Use Networking Karma:

These are my go-to people, people who will gladly introduce me or help me if I need to ask. No there aren’t 22M of them. But every one of them has a commonality. I’ve helped every person in this group first.

I call this Networking Karma, and it works beautifully in face to face networking, as well as online networking. There’s nothing that turns a loose connection into someone willing to spend time, effort, energy, and reputation to help you faster than Networking Karma.

Some readers of reCareered were people I met face to face, who experienced Networking Karma first hand. When I meet someone at a networking event, trade show, conference or party and am asked what I do, I often answer “I help people for a living”. This nearly always get a response like “Sure…what do you really do?”. That gives me the opportunity to reply “Why not tell me what you do and I’ll show you how I might help you?”

This exchange does a few things…First, I truly am at many of these events to find people I can help – my direct intent isn’t to find clients (sure, I’ve found a few this way). I look to help people connect to others, to refer someone, to help others get to the contacts and resources they need to thrive. If I’m given the opportunity to help someone, it’s rarely forgotten, and I’ve just made a new friend.

This exchange also helps me to listen. I’m best able to listen when I turn the conversation to the other person, inviting them to talk about themselves, their business, their job, and their goals and challenges. I find that after I’ve heard another persons’ story, I’m often able to ask them about what they’ve left out (sometimes it’s their goals, their challenges, or to describe two people they’d really like to meet in the next 30-60 days).

At the end of this exchange, after the other person has had plenty of time to describe themselves, I suggest how I might help them, and add that my hobby is Career Coaching, and authoring this blog. If the other person asks how they might help me, I suggest they refer people considering job change to my blog. It’s free, it gives innovative job search information, and there’s no pressure to buy anything.

( Continued ... How Can You Achieve Networking Karma? )

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