
Friday, July 20, 2007

30 Things You Can Control In Your Job Search - Page 5

Focus On What You Can Control - Controllable Job Search Items #21 - #30:

  1. Understand the non-verbal part of interviewing: A number of studies showed that most hiring managers make gut feel decisions based on the first 2-30 seconds in an interview - that may be before you even say hello. Learn how you can better control the non-verbal part of your interview, rather than leaving it up to chance at
  2. Understand your competition: While you can’t control your competition, you can control how well you understand your competition’s strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your competition, you can see if you blow them away, if you’re middle of the pack, if you’re a stretch for the job, or if you’re overqualified. Learn how to discover information about your competition for a specific job at
  3. Build your social brand so employers find you: Your social brand is the first impression you make online when someone finds you searching by name or function. The most popular places to search for people are Facebook, Google, and Linkedin. Learn how to make a great online first impression and how to make yourself findable on search engines and the major social networks at
  4. Include “nice to haves”: Does your resume just meet an employers’ minimum requirements? Why would an employer hire someone who just meets their minimum when they can find people who offer so much more? Learn how to demonstrate that you bring more to the table, something extra, and those “nice to have” skills that go beyond the job description at
  5. Forget the phrase “I haven’t done it”: When you have a lot of competition for jobs, why would you ever use this phrase? Learn how to control how to answer questions by using parallels rather than expressing ignorance at
  6. Act and dress like you already work there: You can control if you are over dressed, underdressed, appropriately dressed. How you dress gives a a big indication of your “fit” at the company. Miss it, and you present a major non-verbal flaw. Learn how to understand what to wear at
  7. Communicate to encourage feedback: Want to get more feedback during and after interviews? How you communicate can either encourage or discourage honest feedback. Learn how to encourage more feedback at
  8. Know your fair market value: It’s tough to answer the salary question without objective benchmarks on market value. Learn how to use salary benchmarking information to set your own and your employers expectation of your salary at
  9. Ask for the job: You can control how and when you ask for the job. Many candidates won’t ask, and it’s a negative in many hiring manager’s minds - it’s especially important for those in sales or marketing. Learn how to ask for the job at
  10. Write a thank you note: It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s polite, and it’s what your Mom taught you to do. Learn how to use thank you notes to remind your hiring manager why you’re a great choice and to stand out from the competition at
Which items within your control can you add to your job search to increase your effectiveness?

How many items are you spending time on that are out of your control?

Readers - are their other things that you can control in the job search process? Please add your thoughts and tips in the comments section.

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