
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Power Your Job Search With Email On Overdrive - Page 3

Gist is a free service, still in Beta. They are continue to develop new features - currently Gist works with Outlook, Gmail, and Lotus Notes. Gist integrates with Facebook, Twitter feeds, Google search and allows downloading of Linkedin contacts. Gist also enables tagging of contacts, so you can use to identify new contacts or new interviews, to trigger a specific follow up.

For full disclosure, I am a new user of Gist’s free service and wanted to share information with reCareered’s readers - because I’m a fan of the service and can see how applicable it can be in job search. I’m still experimenting with new ways I can use the service to save research time, and better communicate.

T.A. shared, “It doesn’t matter if you’re selling yourself or a product, you can use conceptualized content to better survey your network and to better sell yourself - all in real time.”

T.A. also added, “The more understanding you have going into your job search, the more likely everyone will be happy coming out of it - your understanding increases the odds of your personal success as well as the hiring manager’s view that you are a successful hire.“

First 3 Steps To Use Gist Right Off The Bat:

  1. Connect to Outlook/Gmail/Notes: Gist discovers people you know in your network and displays consolidated information about your email contacts.

  2. Survey the landscape: Identify who to contact within industry and target companies. Read the news about your contacts using it as a context for communication.

  3. Use Gist to generate your own contact and online brand: Use Gist to find relevant industry news - then repost to Twitter and Facebook (or your blog) to build your own social brand. Publishing your own industry highlights and amplifies the original author’s content. This also builds a relationship with author (helpful if they are an industry insider or expert) while you simultaneously build your own brand.

Many thanks to T.A. McCann of for his time in helping explain how Gist’s mashing of email, social networks, and Google can be applied to your job search.

Could a more powerful email help you find your next job?

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