
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Job Seekers - Who’s Your Competition? - Page 2

How will it help you find a job?

hireINSIDER provides competitive information that gives you an idea if you are a good fit for a position, clearly superior, or over/under qualified.

Will this information find a job for you? No ... but it will provide information that can help you in your search. Sorry, you’ll have to find the job on your own.

The easy case is if you are over/under qualified based on your competitors. If you find that your background is much more advanced or way under the average candidates, chances are low that you’ll get an interview or even have your resume get through the automated screens.

Through a careful inspection of hireINSIDER, you can gain insight into what companies might be seeking for a specific position ... and then use that knowledge for applications you make to other companies.

What can you learn?

hireINSIDER information includes:

  1. Number of applicants: Did 10 people or 5,000 people apply for this job?
  2. Employment status: What percentage of applicants were employed? Unemployed?
  3. Education Level: If you didn’t graduate high school, and 60% of all applicants have a Masters, do you think you’ll get the call?
  4. Top College Majors: Find out if that degree in Bagpiping, Ozark Winemaking, or Bowling Management will finally pay off
  5. Top Universities: See if your scholarship to Wassa Madda U will impress the hiring manager

( Continued ... What can you do with this info? )

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