
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Online Portfolios Give Candidates A Leg Up - page 2

Why Do Portfolios Work?

Portfolios can bring a number of advantages to the job seeker willing to invest a little extra time into their marketing materials. Some of these advantages include:
  • Reduces perception of ageism
  • Increases perception of being tech-savvy
  • Demonstrates organization
  • Demonstrates communications skills
  • Demonstrates expertise, rather than just claiming expertise
  • Gives hiring manager a product sample of you
  • Focuses attention on work product, instead of longevity, industry, age, function, or other limiting factors
  • Few of your competitors use one (outside of design/media fields) allowing you to stand out
  • Demonstrates experience in new or non-work related skills for career changers
  • Increases exposure and "findability" on Google

( Continued ... How to build a your online portfolio )

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