
Saturday, May 12, 2007

3 Ways To Leverage Job Boards And Discover The Hidden Job Market - page 2

I think most candidates would focus on the less competitive hidden job market, if they only knew how. However, most job seekers weren't trained to search for a job in times of job shortages - they were trained to search for a job when there was much low hanging fruit. Successful methods during job shortages are very different than job hunting when jobs are plentiful. The use of job boards is a great example - Most candidates were taught to use job boards in ways that work for strong job markets.

How candidates were taught to use job boards:

  • Write a generic resume & post it on a couple of job boards
  • Apply to a number of jobs using your generic resume, including jobs that have requirements that you don't currently have but could learn ("stretch" jobs)
  • If you want more results, increase the number of resumes you send. The law of averages will provide more opportunities to a scattershot approach
These methods worked in strong markets like 1998-99 and 2005-06. Company hiring needs were so plentiful that a scattershot method, powered by a generic resume, allowed candidates to randomly stumble across enough opportunities to find a job in a reasonable amount of time given enough effort. This worked because of an abundance of low handing fruit - an oversupply of jobs. But today, we have a different reality - an under supply of jobs.

Today's successful job search campaigns recognize the lack of low hanging fruit. Instead, today's successful job search campaigns use laser-targeted focus, information, and personalized marketing strategies (resumes, social networking, blogs, portfolios, face-to-face networking) to gain notice over hundreds of other competitive candidates. Today's successful job search campaigns use these tactics to get ahead of advertised job market by exploring the hidden job market - represented in unsolved employer problems and jobs that are in the pre-approval stage.

Today's market demands more research than just which job board to use of the 50 thousand job boards in existence (

( Continued ... 3 Ways To Use Job Boards To Find Hidden Jobs )

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