
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Branchout = Facebook Plus Linkedin Divided By Job Search

Branchout, a new application that helps job seekers makes Facebook work like Linkedin opened in beta this week. Branchout helps Facebook users leverage their network for job search in a similar way that’s common to Linkedin users.

Why is this important? There are a number of reasons - for starters, Facebook just passed 500 million users making it more than 7 times larger than Linkedin.

Besides the obvious advantage of size, Branchout can bring some additional advantages over Linkedin. I talked to founder Rick Marini to learn more.

( Continued ... How Branchout Can Help Your Search: )

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1 comment:

  1. Its a nice article. Social networking sites are great help to seek employment. And job seekers should take their profile on these sites seriously. Related article:
