
Thursday, June 10, 2010

What Salary Should You Expect For Your Next Job?

Salary expectations present a difficult question for job seekers. Gone are the days that you could expect a 10%-20% increase just for changing jobs.

In today's job market that features an over supply of labor, job seekers (especially unemployed candidates) may have to face accepting a lower salary. Other job seekers who want to change careers may find that their current experience & skill level is discounted to lower salary expectations within a new industry or job function.

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On the other hand, job seekers with certain high demand skills may be able to expect salary increases - because there are still selected labor shortages in certain markets. Take nursing, for instance - in certain markets, there is such a shortage of nursing talent that a nurse who is willing to change locations might expect a sizable increase (or a comparable salary in an area with a much lower cost of living).

Either way, whatever your own personal circumstances may be, it's important to know (even for your own financial planning purposes) what your market value is.

( Continued ... Why Your Market Value May Have Declined: )

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  1. Phil:

    Absolutely love your content but you site is just "Butt Ugly." I will continue to be a loyal fan no matter what you do but like an interview how you dress makes a differance.

    Wes Lake
    Career Transition Consultant

  2. Wes,

    Thanks for the kind comments and I agree with your thoughts on the look of the site. I'm in the process of site redesign and moving it to a new platform for a better reader experience and new features. Stay tuned ...
