
Friday, April 16, 2010

reCareered Logo Contest - Enter early and often!

I decided to run a contest to give users the chance to design reCareered's new logo. After all, this site is built for you - so why not involve readers in building a site they like?

Since I'm a huge fan of Web 2.0, I figure I should walk the walk, and give readers the chance to offer design advice, much as I offer career advice.

Read more ...

So here's the deal:

As I mentioned at the beginning of the year, there are big changes in store for reCareered. The website is being rebuilt, logos and graphics will be redesigned, new services and information will be added, all to make a better experience for you, the reader.

It's time for reCareered's current logo to change. Here's the current logo:

I'm calling out to readers with graphic design talent to email your designs for reCareered's new logo to me at  I will also run a webpage design contest (reCareered will be moving to a Joomla platform), so website designers who would like to enter early can email me for details.

The winner will receive these valuable prizes:
  • Credit and links to the website of your choice in announcements and permanent links on reCareered and the Career Change Central Group of Linkedin.
  • Links on many of the sites where I republish, including national business, technology and job sites
  • One-on-one career and resume analysis
  • A review/testimonial on the site of your choice and republished on a number of blogging groups/forums.
  • An advertising link using your logo on reCareered's site
  • reCareered's public thanks and gratitude

Here are the specs:
  1. Contest open to amateurs and pros, students, freelancers, corporate designers, or just people who are good at this sort of thing (I'm not!)
  2. Must include the full name "reCareered" as part of the logo
  3. Logos will need to be presented in a variety of formats: .jpg, .gif, .png
  4. Logos will need to be used in a variety of sizes ... for banners, thumbnails, and with enough resolution to be printed on business cards. Make sure your entry is presented with enough resolution to be used for all of these purposes
  5. All entries are the property of reCareered
  6. Logo should represent the following attributes:
    • Acceleration or speed
    • Career or business
    • Honesty and fairness
    • Innovation
    • Web 2.0
  7. I will choose finalists, and readers will vote for the winning entry
  8. When I receive enough entries, I'll close the contest to new entrants, will publish all entries, highlight the finalists' designs and have readers choose the winner
  9. Email entries to, include as an attachment to your email
  10. Any Questions?  Email me!
You can send as many entries as you like, enter early, enter often. Thanks, and looking forward to seeing the entries!


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