
Friday, January 1, 2010

New Features For A New Year

Happy 2010 everyone!

Thanks for your continued and growing readership. We are thrilled to be part of your daily reading schedule, and strive to provide additional value to your job search.

As 2010 launches, I’m about to launch a new design and some major new features in this site.

Read more ...

  1. New Sitename As reCareered has grown, it’s outgrown its present platform of Blogger. In the next week or two, the first change you’ll see is the transfer of this site to its own Joomla-based platform, and combining the blog with my corporate site, If you subscribe via email or RSS, your delivery won’t be affected by the move. If you read reCareered via a bookmark or follow links, you’ll find links to the new site to easily navigate.

  2. YOU: reCareered readers will have the chance to contribute and to even design features of the site, to make reCareered deliver the content you want. In the coming days, expect to see user polls to ask you what features you want. Please take a few minutes to fill them out, so I can design the site and content you want.

  3. New Content: reCareered will still contain my original content, a reason many of you have subscribed to the site. In the coming months, reCareered will add other authors, with the goal of being the place to find all the top authors in job search. In that way, readers can contrast and compare differing job search strategies of leading career coaches, recruiters, and corporate hiring managers.

  4. Group Training Options: reCareered will relaunch group training in January 2010, with both free and paid group training sessions. The goal of group training is to provide help to Managers, staff, entrepreneurs, and those outside the US at a reasonable cost. Training will be provided in the areas of General Job Search, job boards, resumes, interviewing, networking, Social networks (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter), and Online Reputation Management (Blogs, Online Portfolios).

  5. Free resources: In job search, free is good. reCareered is seeking advertisers to support our ability to distribute more free resources including white papers, video, podcasts, and group training.

  6. Jobs: Expected to launch in the first quarter of 2010, reCareered will have a jobs section, so you can test out the concepts you learn on the site. Not only will reCareered list jobs from the top search engines, you’ll soon find jobs on reCareered that you won’t see in the major search engines.

  7. Blogs & portfolios: Expected to launch in the Second Quarter of 2010, reCareered will provide the ability for candidates to easily post their own blogs and online portfolios, integrate with Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter. reCareered will make this simple and provide top industry articles on how to Blog, to give candidates better control of their Online Reputation Management.

  8. Discussion: Expected to Launch in the Third Quarter of 2010, reCareered will integrate general discussions boards for job seekers to communicate with career coaches, hiring managers, and other candidates. As the discussion grows, there will be separate groups by industry, function, level, and geography.

  9. Suggestions?: reCareered is open for suggestions. How can reCareered help you find your next job? What aren’t we providing that we could? We’re dying for suggestions, waiting with open ears and open minds. Please tell us what’s on yours….
reCareered readers, thanks for your continued attention. These major changes are due to your continued and growing readership and interest. I’m grateful that you choose to spend your time making reCareered part of your daily reading.

Most of all … Best of luck in your job search in 2010. Please let us know how we can help!

Phil Rosenberg

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