
Monday, September 28, 2009

Who's Firing? Layoffs week ending 9/28/09

Who's Firing is a weekly survey of organizations announcing (or rumoring) layoffs. Not only is this valuable for job seekers, but for business analysts, corporate strategists, marketers, salespeople, investment analysts, financial advisers, and others who are interested in companies that are contracting.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Layoffs announced and rumored this week were in the Government, Technology, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Engineering, Financial Services, Publishing, Government, Aerospace, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, and Telecommunication sectors.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as many from the same sector appeared on the Who’s Hiring? article on 9/25/09. It is interesting to note that while Federal hiring is on the rise, a number of State and Local governments are facing cutbacks.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs week ended 9/28/09:
  • King County, WA (Government) - 376
  • MediaRing (Technology) - 50
  • Zounds (Healthcare) - 150
  • NY Administration for Children’s Services (Government) – 38
  • Lake County IN (Government) - 150
  • Emory University (Education) - 27
  • Greenheck Fan Corporation (Manufacturing) – 70
  • Johnson Controls (Engineering) – 300
  • City of Bromfield, CO (Government) - unknown
  • Citigroup (Financial Services) – est 2,000
  • Wells Fargo, Wilkesboro NC (Financial Services) - 70
  • CQ-Roll Call Group (Publishing) – 44
  • Rexam Packaging, Hamlet NC (Manufacturing) - 220
  • Beaumont Hospital (Health Care) - 353
  • BAE Systems (Manufacturing) – 200
  • Buckhorn (Manufacturing) – 88
  • UBS Wealth Management (Financial Services) - 200
  • Wyeth (Pharmaceuticals) – unknown
  • Pfizer (Pharmaceuticals) - unknown
  • Prett & Whitney (Aerospace) – 1,000
  • Manitowoc County WI (Government) – 34
  • Wellpoint (Insurance) - unknown
  • Tyco Telecommunication (Telecommunication) - unknown
  • City of Salinas, CA (Government) – 61
  • Harley Davidson, York County, PA (Manufacturing) – 70+
  • Akron, Inc (Technology) – unknown
  • Coviden (Healthcare) – 70
  • Nortel (Technology) – 400

Readers – If you know of employers announcing significant layoff plans, or employers reducing large numbers of employees, please comment below to add to this list.

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