
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

FaceBook Strategies (1)– The Power of FaceBook Groups

Want to communicate your subject matter expertise to a targeted audience, or would a scatter shot approach be more effective?

If you want a tightly targeted audience, that will have a high likelihood of facing problems that you are uniquely qualified to solve, then check out FaceBook’s groups, one of its most powerful features.

FaceBook is all about database segmentation, to allow highly targeted marketing. So why not use the same features that financial services, auto, and CPG companies see in FaceBook, and use them in your career search?

So how can you use FaceBook groups to help your Career Search?

1. Find the right groups:
What’s the right group for you? For starters, there’s probably more than just one group. Look for groups about your industry, about your position, about your department, about software you use, about customers or tools used in your expertise.

For instance, let’s say you are an Audit Manager for a Chicago bank, you have experience in Project Management, evaluating SOX compliance of SAP systems, and you’ve worked on projects in Security, and Compliance. What groups would likely have an audience you’d want to reach?

  • Audit / Big 4
  • PMI - Project Management Institute
  • PMP
  • Project Manager Professionals Group Worldwide
  • Project Manager
  • IT Security
  • Information Security
  • SAP Network
  • PCI DSS Compliance Demystified
  • Compliance Professionals in Investment Banking,Asset Management Hedge Funds
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • and you could join the network Chicago IL.
Do you think you’d find an audience for your subject matter expertise in these groups?

2. Post the right message:
Posting a resume, or a message “Hey, anyone have a job opening” isn’t considered proper FaceBook etiquette, and won’t get you very far. However, commenting and posting links to industry articles in the spirit of sharing, shows you as a giver and an expert at the same time. Make sure that the article or message is relevant to the group.

3. Start the conversation:

Brag. If you’re creative, write about successful projects you’ve been involved in (you may not be able to include the company name if you can’t disclose). Again, this is sharing with the audience, and is both appreciated, and demonstrates your expertise.

4. Continue the conversation:
Comment on posts that others have started. Include more ideas than just “I agree”.

5. Include links:
Sign your post or comment with your signature block with live links to your FaceBook, LinkedIN, personal Blog, personal webpage, etc. Why? Links get you Google and Yahoo rankings.

Can you see how FaceBook groups can attract the audience who have problems that you are uniquely qualified to solve?

If you’d like more information, a free 30 minute resume consultation, or some advice about your career transition, just email your resume to reCareered at, and we'll schedule a time to talk.

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