OK, so you've written your resume, you've done 3 versions for specific job criteria, and you're drinking the Koolaid of sending fewer, but more targeted resumes. You're on the right path to searching for a new job.
Today's post talks about the first tool a job seeker should consider...Linkedin. Many readers may already be on Linkedin, but I'm consistently amazed at the number of managers and professionals who aren’t (including IT professionals!). Your employees are on social networks, which are second nature to Millenniums, but seem foreign to Boomers and even many Gen-Xers.
TIP #1: A high page rank on Google Searches is a simple reason why Linkedin is a must for any job seeker today.
Your resume will help you reply to job listings, but it doesn't help employers FIND YOU very well. Job Search 2.0 is about getting found, and getting noticed. It's more than just creating a brand...it's creating Subject Matter Expertise (SME), then publicizing your SME, amplifying your SME, and virally marketing your SME.
Wouldn't it be nice if your job search consisted of evaluating numerous job offers, consulting gigs, and overtures for your help? Who wouldn't enjoy the attention and the validation of your life's work? When you've successfully virally marketed your subject matter expertise, is gives you such an unfair advantage...because employers seek YOU to solve their specific problems.
Fortunately, there are LOTS of tools that can help you. And fortunately, your good-hearted reCareered coach wants to show you how to make them work for you....to give you an unfair advantage.
A good Linkedin strategy can get you front page on Google Searches. Even if your name isn't unique, a good Linkedin strategy may get you a #1 ranking.
Tip #2: If Linkedin holds your resume, that markets your Subject Matter Expertise, and allows you to turn up on Google searches. If you have a REALLY unique Subject Matter Expertise, this alone is enough to get you on Google’s first page. Most of us don’t have such rarity in our careers.
Anyways, get busy and set up your Linkedin account.
Tip #3: Use a separate email address (mine is phil.linkedin@gmail.com) for Linkedin. Why? As you become successful, in virally marketing your SME, your email could blow up. I like to time block my Linkedin correspondence all at once, and using a separate email address allows easy organization (a trick from Getting Things Done). Get your new email account before signing up, because it will be more difficult to redirect the email later.
Tip #4: Put your top SME resume (the one for the job you want MOST) into Linkedin. Just cut and paste. No spellchecker on Linkedin, so make sure there are no typos.
Tip #5: Draft using word for spell checking. Cut and past spell checked text into Linkedin. Save your text so you’ll have a base profile that you can change as you need it.
Tip #6: Invite your job references, and ask them to write a reference for you on Linkedin. You'll want at least 4, but you don't really need 100 (who has time to read that many). If you've been working as a consultant, use clients who will say great things about you.
Tip #7: Control the reference process, and don't leave it up to chance. Tell your references what you'd like them to comment about. Make it specific...projects are best. Commenting about leadership skills, dedication, teamwork, getting to work on time, etc, are references that make you look average. Definitely, don't have your references comment about your ethics (Nothing wrong with ethics, but it's how references are written when there's nothing else nice to say). More on references in a later blog entry.
Tip #8: Spell check again. And again.
Future posts will talk about ways to build your Linkedin database, how to use it for job networking, what type of a database you want, Linkedin references, and advanced Linkedin topics.
Executives exploring Career Change: For a free 30 minute resume consultation, or career advice for executives, email your resume confidentially to reCareered (phil.reCareered@gmail.com), and we'll schedule a time to talk.
Staff, Managers, Entrepreneurs, and career changers outside the US: Send your resume to phil.reCareered@gmail.com to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".
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