
Friday, September 21, 2007

August 2010 Employment Trends Show Slight Uptick - Page 2

The good news behind this is private sector jobs increased 763K year to date, led by the health care industry that added 259K employees and temp firms have added of 392K workers since September 2009.

Job growth still was inconsistent, effecting some cities, industries and job functions more than others. Some job markets remain in the dumper - Miami, Detroit held flat but Los Angeles dropped 2 spots - all three remain in deep trouble with up to a 1:8 (Los Angeles was 1:7) ratio of unemployed workers to job advertisements.

Growth by Function:

Indeed tracks employment trends by industry each month. Indeed's August 2010 trend by industry survey shows growth in all fields, except health care. While health care shows the least growth from last year at 17% compared to August 2009, there were over twice the number of health care openings (819K) than retail (408K) the next closest industry. The greatest changes were in transportation (a humongous 119%), manufacturing (67%), media/newspaper (65%) and retail (55%).

Chart source: Blog

( Continued ... Growth by Metro Area )

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