
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Who's Firing - Layoffs weeks ended 5-28-10 and 6-4-10 - page 2

Technology topped the list as HP announced 9,000 layoffs throughout the organization, even as they are still actively hiring for new positions. Gaylord Entertainment, operator of the Opreyland layoffs of up to 1,700 workers as floods in Nashville reduced tourism.

Government was next as 38 local governmental units and school districts announced layoffs this week affecting thousands of workers, led by State of Tennessee's announcement of over 850 job cuts and City of Baltimore announced 600 layoffs. We continue to see local governmental and education layoffs this as we approach the end of the school year as well as government fiscal years - Governments and school boards have to finalize budgets for next year and announcing related layoffs.

Manufacturing firms announced layoffs also as Stanley Furniture cut 530 jobs, Polaris Industries slashed 515 positions, and Sonoco Products announced 500-600 layoffs. Dollar Stores cut 400 retail positions throughout Washington due to store closures.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as some from the same sectors appeared on the “Who’s Hiring” article published 6/1/10.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs for the weeks ended 5/28/10 and 6/4/10:
  • Hewlett-Packard, Various US (9,000)
  • Gaylord Entertainment, Nashville TN (1,700)
  • State of Tennessee, Nashville TN (853)
  • City of Baltimore MD (600)
  • Stanley Furniture, Stanleytown VA (530)

( Continued ... See the rest of this week's top layoffs )

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 6-1-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 5-21-10

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