
Monday, June 25, 2007

Who’s Firing - Layoffs week ended 6-25-10 - Page 2

Top Layoffs week ended 6-25:

Government topped the list as Federal plus 18 state/local governmental units and school districts announced layoffs this week affecting thousands of workers, led by the Los Angeles School system laying off 2,500 employees and Marshall Space Center in Huntsville AL that announced shedding between 700-800 contractors.

Telecommunication was next as T-Mobile announced it would layoff at 392 employees in LaGrange GA and US Cellular announced cuts of 160 Tulsa workers. Technology company NCR disclosed that it was letting go 334 Springdale SC staff.

Energy companies announced layoffs also as Florida Power & Light is releasing 300 employees, while Patriot Coal laid off 170 West Virginia workers due to closure of a dangerous mine. Manufacturing company Trane announced cuts of 205 Fort Smith AR workers.

Inclusion on this listing doesn’t mean the entire industry is down, as some from the same sectors appeared on the “Who’s Hiring” article published 6/21/10.

Job seekers: You might want to look in greener pastures than these companies.

Organizations announcing or rumored layoffs for the week ended 6/25/10:
  • Los Angeles Schools, Los Angeles CA (2,500)
  • Marshall Space Flight Center/Constellation, Huntsville AL (700-800)
  • T-Mobile LaGrange GA (392)
  • NCR, Springdale SC (334)
  • Florida Power & Light Co, Juno Beach FL (300)
( Continued ... See the rest of this week's top layoffs )

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Related Articles:
Who’s Hiring – Top employers week of 6-21-10
Who's Firing – Layoffs week ended 6-18-10

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