
Friday, June 8, 2007

May 2010 Hiring Trends Show Continued Slow Improvement - page 2

Indeed Growth by Function:

SimplyHired discusses that the Bureau of Labor Statistics released May unemployment totals that declined to 9.7%. Non-farm employers added 431K jobs in May, but a large percentage were due to temporary US Census hiring. reports that non-farm payroll has increased by 982K since December 2009.

Indeed tracks employment trends by industry each month. Indeed's June 2010 (based on May results) trend by industry survey shows growth in all fields. While health care is only up 3% over May 2009, there were nearly twice the number of health care openings (672K) than retail (354K) the next closest industry. The greatest changes were in transportation (67%) retail (53%) and hospitality (49%), consistent with recent Who's Hiring articles I publish each Monday.

Chart source: Indeed Blog

( Continued ... Growth by metro area - and CareerBuilder: )

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  1. It says "Friday, June 8, 2007" at the top but May 2010 data. Might be a bug you want to squish.

  2. Jessica, While I appologize for any confustion, it's the best solution given Blogger's issues.

    I use a workaround for Blogger's shortcomings that causes a back-dated year for blog post pages 2, 3, etc - Blogger doesn't have multi-page post capabilities. If I keep the date the same, it causes too much confusion in other areas of the blog (archives, daily emails, automatic postings, RSS).

    I'm in the process of designing a move to a new blog platform with many new features for reCareered. When it's finished, the date issue for multi page blogs will also be corrected.

