
Saturday, June 2, 2007

Is Your Recruiter Any Closer To The Job Than You? - page 2

How can you tell which type of recruiter has contacted you? Which type is the most productive to work with? What should you do if you are working with the wrong type but on the right opportunity?

Remember, just because a recruiter has contacted you, doesn't mean you have to work with them. If you choose to not work with a recruiter, but prefer to work with another recruiter closer to the hiring manager, emailing the recruiter that you don't wish for them to represent you should do the trick. Make sure you put the recruiter on notice that you don't want them forwarding your resume - if they have already forwarded your resume to one of your target companies, email the hiring manager and HR department to inform them that you are not working with this recruiter (this helps avoid the risk of conflicts for the hiring manager).

These are all questions that should be running through the job seekers' mind while trying to determine what kind of recruiter you want to work with.

Here are some of the basic types of recruiters:

1) Retained recruiter: Typically, a retained recruiter is a candidates' best choice - a retained recruiter is typically the closest to the job, even closer than the company's own internal HR staff. This is because the company has prepaid a fee to the recruiter, and often directs all candidates to the retained recruiter (after the company has paid to outsource the search, why use internal resources?).

Be careful, there are many firms that do some retained search work and who call themselves retained recruiters. When retained work becomes slim, they will often take on contingent fee assignments. It's important to understand how they are working on this search, rather than how they generally work. A recruiter who is working on a retained search will readily tell you - a contingent fee recruiter may not want to disclose.

Retained recruiters should have more information about the position, management, and company fit. Retained recruiters should be able to provide the candidate with more insight into the firm. However, retained recruiters are paid whether the company finds the right candidate, or not - they may have less incentive to sell your talents to the hiring manager, instead letting hiring managers make up their own minds.

Retained recruiters typically work with fewer companies on fewer positions. This means it's less likely that you'll be considered a fit for other positions the recruiter is working on. Companies who pay up-front fees to a retained recruiter typically demand an exact fit. If you're a stretch for a position, or are missing criteria, retained recruiters probably won't be much help.

( Continued ... Contingent fee recruiters )

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