
Saturday, May 5, 2007

Top 3 Job Search Strategies To Set Yourself Apart - Page 4

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Demonstrate Employer Value

Unless you are applying to a non-profit, you're being hired to make money for your employer - either by increasing revenues, decreasing costs, or improving profit. For those in the non-profit world you might add goals like providing service or improving awareness - essentially the same thing as cutting costs ... doing more with less.

Most resumes ignore this, because we've been taught to write resumes as an autobiography. You're audience is far more interested in what you can do for them than your entire personal history.

The better you can understand what's important to your prospective employer/department/hiring manager, the better you can communicate that you've already solved what's important to them in ways that made money for your past employers. This combination of information, accomplishments and relevancy demonstrates the value you'll bring to your prospective employer. After all, they aren't hiring an additional person just to fill a chair, are they?

Here are some ways to sow you can do more than just fill a chair - by demonstrating employer value:
  • Employer Value Statements: Employer Value Statements are accomplishments that show the problems you've solved and the value those solutions have provided to your past employers. Employer Value Statements provide proof that you were a good investment, giving a future employer the perception that you have a good chance to also be a good investment for them - that you'll do more than just the bare minimum (see:
  • WIFT: What's In it For Them? Most resumes are structured autobiographically, describing WIFM (What's In it For Me). Wait - you claim your resume isn't WIFM? Does your resume have an objective statement describing what you want? Does your resume have a summary/overview section, describing what's important to you? Have you done enough research before sending your resume to even know what's important to your audience, or WIFT? Here's how to transform your resume into WIFT
  • Relevancy: You've laid out your accomplishments, monetized them, and made your resume WIFT. Will they care? Your audience will care if you've done the research to identify major problems and opportunities of your prospective employer/department/hiring manager.
Increase your odds to pass the "So What?" test with steps outlined here:;
and here:;
and here:


Today's article outlined 3 major ways to stand out as a candidate in today's crowded market: Differentiate your resume, Manage your online reputation, and Demonstrate employer value.

While there is no such thing as a sure thing in job search, using these 3 strategies increase your odds by helping you stand out, get noticed - even in today's uber-competitive job market. Unless you know the hiring manager personally there's no better way today to improve your odds to stand out more frequently, get more interviews, and be selected as a finalist more often.

In addition, if you're using these strategies effectively, the hiring manager has a better chance of knowing who you are based on the industry reputation you've built online.

How can you change your job search to implement these three strategies and improve your own odds?

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Career Changers: Send your resume to to enroll in a free group teleseminar "Accelerate Your Job Search - tools you can use".


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